Chapter Twenty

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I walked slowly and awkwardly in my knee lenght pencil skirt into my work offices. I prayed I could avoid Ben today.

I greeted Khloe then went into my office. I sat down relived, I was enhausted after the long weekend. I hadn't spoken to Ben since that Christmas party. My thoughts were interrupted by a distinct knock on my door.

''Come in.'' I shouted

The door opened slowly and Ben walked in awkwardly.

''I eh just thought i'd let you know that I'll be leaving Dardis and Co. in the next few weeks and my brother Jacub will be taking my place.'' Ben said not looking me in the eye

''Why are you leaving? You've only been here a few months! Where are you going?'' I said shellshocked

''I'm moving to Miami'' He said as if he were bored of our conversation already

''What?! Why Miami? Its at least a nine hour flight from here! '' I said confused

''I'm aware of that. The man who ran our Dardis and Co. branch offices in Miami bailed off. Theres nobody to run it so I offered.'' He said avoiding my gaze

''But why would you offer?'' I said

''Because theres nothing here for me. I'm sure Miami will have more to offer.'' He said

''Oh..'' Was all i managed to reply

''Well Thats all I came to say, I dunno when exactly I'll be leaving but ill let you know.'' He turned then walked briskly out of my office.

I would miss him being around. We did have some good times.

The day dragged out. Thank God it was 6 o'clock. I opened my partment door to find Jamie sitting in my kitchen

''Hey Babe I was early hope you don't mind I let myself in.'' He said walking towards me and holding me in a warm hug

''Of course not'' I smiled then sipped on the cup of tea I assumed Jamie had made for me

''How was your day babe?'' Jamie said sitting on a stool at my counter top.

''OH it was good, actaully Ben said he was leaving.'' I said looking away from Jamies glare

''Really? How come?'' Jamie said strangly interested

''Something about needing to manage the Miami branch of Dardis and Co.'' I said sipping my tea 

''Hmm weird, do you want to do something later?'' He replied

''Na I think I'll just have an earliy night  I think Kendals comming over sorry babe.'' I looked at him sweetly

Before he could respond the door bell interupted him.

Kendal burst in

''You know you really shouldn't leave your door unlocked'' She shouted 

''Oh youre here'' She said glaring at Jamie

''Be nice Kendal'' I said warning her

''Hey Kendal Nice to see you too''' Jamie said sarcasticly

''Hmm''Kendal murmerd

''Well i best go ill see you later beautiful I love you'' Jamie said putitng his arm aorund my waist and kissing my cheek.

''Love you too babe'' I said chirpily

''eeeew'' Kendal said childishly

''Oh shut up you.'' I said as I ran upstairs and threw on a trackie.

'I came back down to find Kendal sprawled out on my sofa.

''So you decided to tell me who your secret lover is?'' Kendal shouted at me form the sitting room

I'll walked in form the kitchen

''Oh give over, me and Jamie are together now!'' I said smiling

''What? Why are you onl telling me now?'' Kendal said offended

''Because you hate him?'' I laughed 

''Fair enough!'' She laughed back

As we watched the movie I wondered if Ben was really leaving because he had to take over the Miami branch or was he leaving because of me? Was it my fault he was leaving? 

''Are you okay?'' Kendal looked at me concerned

''Yes. Fine. Why?'' I reponded

''You look lost in thought'' Kendal looked at me as if she were worried about me

''Yeah its nothing''

''Okay well I better go, I have work tomorrow.Ill call you later Leah we have to see more of each other.'' Kendal said walking towards the door

''Definatly. Text me. Love you.'' I said hugging her

''And when you finally decide to tell me whats really wrong, give me a text.'' She smiled.

''Get lost.'' I smiled and closed the door behind her

I couldn't help but feel terrable about Ben. I hoped it wasnt my fault he was leaving. I grabbed my keys and jumped into my Lexus and drove over to Bens place. I had to know.

When I arrived outside his place I stood nervously at the door then I rang the doorbell.  I was shocked when Jessica opened the door wearing nothing but a tiny pair of underwear and what looked like Bens shirt.

''Oh hey Leah? Isnt it'' She smiled

''Yes, Hi Jess. Is Ben home?'' I looked past her

''He is. Come on in.'' She smiled peppily

''Oh i don't want to interrupt.'' I took a step back

''Dont be silly. come in!'' She grabbed my arm and pushed me lighting in the door

''Jess whats taking so long ?'' Bens voice boomed into the room he walked into the hall and stopped in his tracks when he saw me

''Oh Leah? What eh are you doing here?'' He said confused 

''I eh just wanted to talk to you but I see your busy.'' I said turning towards the door

''No lets talk, Jess do you mind?'' He said looking at Jess

''No go ahead'' She smiled then went upstairs

''Its very late is everything okay?'' He asked concerned

''Yes i Mean no. Why are you leaving? Is it really becuase your needed or are you trying to get away from me?'' I asked so worried

He was silent for ages

''Its the job and I'm sorry you had to see Jess here like that'' He said still looking at the floor

''Its my fault I came over at this time but honestly I just want to make sure thats the real reason your leaving'' I said concerned

''Leah it is'' He said now looking at me

''Okay well-''

''Hows Jamie?'' He competly cut over me

'Hes okay. Not like you care anyway'' I said slightly annoying by him even asking

''I don;t like him your right. You know I dont like him because hes going out with the girl I love. Why can't you see it Leah? Even your best friends hate him? Hes a love rat!'' Ben said looking as though he was going to cry

''Well I didn;t come here to talk about Jamie so I'm gonna go..Bye Ben'' Isaid turning for the door then leaving.

''Bye Leah'' He whispered.

Right Place, Wrong Time!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz