Chapter Twenty-One

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I pulled on my strappless red bodycon dress with my black high heels. I curled my hair over to the side of my head and did my makeup. I wanted to put in effort since it was only a week till Christmas. I was going 'Christmas clubbing' with my co workers.

Jamie was standing in my hall. I kissed him goodbye. ''Ill stay up to let you in later babe love you'' He said kising my cheek

''Oh you dont have to babe but thanks love you too.'' I attempted to run in my high heels and hopped into a taxi

It pulled up outside club Zen.

I chatted to Khloe. My assistant who was the only person in my work who I actually felt like talking to. We took shots and chatted by the bar. Ben walked in not long after. He turned away when he spotted me then proceeded to walk over to the human resources team.

How childish

Khloe grabbed my arm and forced me to dance with her. We were dancing for hours untill I could see Ben looking at me form the corner of his eye. I stopped dancing and stared at him.

''Whats wrong Lee?'' Khloe asking

''Nothing I have to go bathroom I'll find you in a bit/''

I walked up to Ben

''Hi'' I said

''What?'' He shouted

The music was too loud he couldn't hear me. I took his arm and lead him outside. We could still hear the music but at least we could hear each other too. 

''Hi'' I repeated myself

''Hi'' He said looking at me with that twinkle in his eye

I knew he loved me

''So ..when are ou leaving for Miami?'' I said slightly upset

''Friday'' He said looking away from me

''FIVE DAYS?'' I shouted shocked

''Yep'' He replied

''its so soon...'' I said

He looked so well in his grey Jeans and fresh black polo tee with his new haircut.

''It is yeah, but why do you care?'' He asked

''Don;t be like that, you know I don't want you to go'' I said looking down

''Look Leah I'm going Friday evening, I'll be in on Friday morn to say my goodbyes so see you in work Monday okay? Bye'' He said then turned and went back inside

I must really have hurt him. I cant belive hes leaving.

''Whats wrong babe?''' Khloe asked

''Oh nothing'' I said

''You and Ben?'' She smirked

''Nope we were chatting'' I said

She didn't look convinced

''I'm gona go Khlo Jamies waiting up for me, I'll see you Monday. Love you'' I said tiredly

''Bye babe love ya'' Khloe responded then headed for the dance floor

I just wanted to lie down with Jamie. I missed him

I opened the apartment to see Jamie fast asleep on the sofa. So much for staying up for me. I laughed to myself.

His phone beeped. 'I'm sure he wont mind me opening it'

From Aly (Platnum blond)

Hey jamie(: had great fun the other night ;) its always the last minuet plans that are the best. Call me later

Aly x

I dropped the phone

My heart stopped

'Was i seeng things?'

Jamie woke up

''Oh youre home sorry I feel asleep'' He said sleepily

I didn't repsond. He rubbed his eyes

''Why do you have my phone?'' He jumped up

It beeped I didn't think you'd mind if i opened it.

''I eh I don't mind, eh who was it?'' He asked nervously

''Aly.....well Aly platnum blond to be precise'' I said almost slurring

I wasn't drunk though..far from it actually

''Oh ok what did she say'' He asked terrified

''Just thanking you for the amazing night.'' I said then throwing his phone onto the ground

''Leah its nothing'' He said jumping to his feet

''So what is it then?''  I asked shaking

''Shes a friend'' He said i could Tell he was lieng

''Did you sleep with her Jamie?'' I asked shaking even more

He looked down.


''I can;t lie to you but I didn;t sleep with her'' He said taking my arm

I snapped it away

''What did you do then?'' I asked furious

''I kissed her'' He said

''Well she kissed me'' He said ashamed

''So if she kissed me then why didn't you tell me before?'' I asked

''Because i was scared how youd react'' He said looking straight at me

''How could you just keep that form me'' I was furious

''I was going to tell you eventually, she kised me and I stopped her. She told me she really liked me too'' He said quietly

''Who the fuck is she?'' I roared

''My ex '' He looked down

'' Your ex? I thought I was your only proper girlfriend ever? that none of the others meant enought to be girlfriends?'' I felt like crying

''She was my girlfriend I met on holidays so she didn't count. It was when we were 18 and in Spain. I never told you then because I was a jerk but I'm different now you know that!'' He please

He hadn't actually done anything wrong

''We will talk about this some other times let go to bed'' I was way to tired to argue over something so stupid

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