Chapter Six

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It was a beautiful morning, I sat outside Milanos cafe as the evening sun was setting. I was feeling mixed emotions, the feeling of anxiety and excitement rushed through my body. I crossed my legs as i nervously bit my nails while the other hand was tapping violently on the table. I checked my watch, ten Minuit's late, typical Jamie!

I heart stopped for a second when I looked up and seen Jamie standing there. He wore beige chinos and a cool white tshirt  and white canvas shoes, his hair was groomed perfectly messy. He was looking fresh and clean. ''Leah! Oh Leah it's so nice to see you'' Jamie said with that beautiful smile I feel in love with. I felt butterfly's in my stomach. All my feelings for Jamie had come back. How could this be happening? I stood up and hugged him tightly, his muscly arms wrapped around my waist and I rested my head against his chest.

I snapped out of it and quickly pulled away. ''Its nice to see you too'' I said slightly embarrassed. ''I see you've dyed your hair, Blonde suits you. I did love your old hair though'' He said looking at me in the eye. ''Uh thanks, Yano what they say, a girl always dyes her hair after a break up!'' I said still embarrassed. ''No I never heard that haha, anyway, how are you? what have you been doing with yourself?''

''Em not much, you know...just going out and stuff..'' I mumbled trailing off. ''Oh thats great, you look great by the way'' He smiled flirtingly. ''Oh uh thanks Jamie'' I looked away embarrassed.

I felt flattered that he still thought I looked great even though I clearly didn't in my faded skinny jeans and baggy black tshirt. I probably looked a mess. 

We chatted about everything I confessed what I had really been doing these past three months and how I just really needed to see him. After all he wasn't just a boyfriend he was a best friend too. Before I knew it, it was half seven. We had been sitting chatting for two and a half hours. ''Do you wanna go for a walk?'' Jamie said once again flashing that beautiful smile that made me tingle. ''I'd love to'' I said cracking a wide smile. ''Lets get out other'' Jamie said as he put his arm around my waist and walked towards the exit.

We walked for an hour, all around town. I felt so good when I was with Jamie, It was just like the old times. ''I hate to bring it up and ruin the great chats were having but..why did you do it Jamie? Why did you ruin what we had together?'' I said not able to look him in the eye.

''Leah, Honestly I don't know how to explain. You know theres no excuse for what I did.  But I can explain what happened, it's defiantly not as bad as you thought. I swear'' Jamie said looking as though he was about to cry.

''Well, go on then'' I said also about to cry.

''Yes I was with Chelsea Moore that night. She was telling me all about her modeling career which by the way was extremely boring'' He began smirking. 

I looked at him angrily. ''Ehh anyway I was extremely drunk but I don't remember flirting with her. We were standing at the bar the whole night, she was telling me hilarious storys about Alex her ex boyfriend so I was laughing away. Around 2am I decided I was going to go home and Chelsea asked me to walk her home because she hated going alone, so I agreed, what else could I do? so I laughed and put my arm around her, mostly to keep my own balance but I could see how Tara could think something was going on.''

''So what happend then.'' I said unamused but yet slightly relieved'

''Anyway we ended up getting into a taxi together, we were still laughing away when she caught me off guard and kissed me.'' Jamie said looking ashamed. I didn't even respond. ''I told her off, told her how she knew I was with you but she said I would never find out, I told her how I didn't care and how I loved you. It was then that the taxi pulled up outside her house. She burst into tears and then hopped out. I couldn't just leave her like that, so i got out after her, I tried talking to her but the taxi driver was getting angry so  I made him leave. I brought Chelsea inside and I sat down as she turned on some music and brought over a bottle of wine. Before I knew it the bottle was almost gone. She leaned closer to me and i jumped back and spilled my wine all over her blouse, she went ot her room to change and then came back out to me in just her red satin bra and bottoms. She opened her legs and sat on me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I should have resisted but I didn't.''He looked at the ground, I could almost feel my heart breaking all over again, I couldn't even speak.

''You have to see how sorry I am, it was the biggest mistake of my life, I know I could have got away with that bit and not told you but it was killing me the fact I lied to you. its you who I love, not her!''. Jamie said grabbing my hand. ''Well, its too late now were not together anymore.'' I said looking away , with tears welling up in my eyes. ''But Leah please..'' ''No Jamie'' I bit in cutting him off. I turned my back and walked the opposit way. ''I LOVE YOU'' He shouted after me. And I burst into tears.

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