Chapter Five

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There was only one way to get over Jamie and that was to go out and get trashed! Well I thought it was a good idea, and the more I drank, the better i felt. I'm not an alcoholic, I don't need alcohol, I don't crave it, I can do without it so I defiantly knew that it wasn't a problem, just some fun.

It started off with me going out every Friday and Saturday night, then Wednesdays too, Then Thursday, Then Mondays. Maybe I did have a problem...

I never really thought of it like that. Its just the thought of staying in my empty apartment watching t. and drinking wine alone made me feel depressed. Going out was just something to keep my mind of Jamie until i moved on. I didn't think it would take this long.

I had to put an end to this. How did I not see how stupid I was being before? How could I be so careless? How could I bring home numerous strange men each night? Maybe I loved Jamie more than I thought. Maybe I should see him one last time. Its no biggie, I'll just call him and see if he wants to meet up so we can talk. Yes that's exactly what I'll do.

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