Chapter Fourteen

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''So long time no see hunny.'' Kendal said cracking a wide smile and then came closer to hug me. ''Yeah sorry I know I was meant to call over to you so many times I just kept getting distracted I'm sorry.'' I said with an innocent grin.

''No worries come in.'' Kendal said leading me into her kitchen. I took a seat on the high stools. ''So if you don;t mind me asking, have you been out recently? I mean out partying?'' Kendall said looking downs at the cups of tea in front of her. ''No, actually. I've just been around. Since me and Jamie have been seeing each other I havent felt the need.'' I said forcing a small smile.

''Well at least hes good for something'' Kendal mumbled. 

''You know, he has changed Kendal. I mean i hes like a different guy. He even wanted to be exclusive.'' I said trying to convince her. I mean he had changed greatly for the better. 

''So what then? why aren't yous together then? whats stopping you?'' She said while carrying over two cups of tea to the counter where I was seated. ''Nothing its just..'' I said trailing off.

''Is there someone else? Oh my God! Theres someone else, Who is it?'' Kendal said with a grin. ''Don't be ridiculous, there is nobody else!'' I said looking away from her. ''Okay fine don't tell me, but I know you too well Leah Stevenson, we've been friends for years, I know when you're hiding someone.'' Kendal said with that evil glare. ''Haha okay Kendal whatever you say.'' I said laughing guiltily. How the heck did she know? I sipped my tea slowly.

After leaving Kendals I realised I should probably head to the office, I had been avoiding going to work for the past few days because I had really talked to Ben since other then a few text messages. 

My phone beeped as if on que. I reached into my pocket and took out my blackberry.

From Ben Dardis

Hey Gorgeous. Haven't seen you around the office in a few days, are you avoiding me?

Ben x

I'm surprised he wasn't angry. I decided to reply. 

To Ben Dardis

No of course not. I'm actually on my way to the office now, maybe we should talk?

Leah x

I got the bus to the office since my jeep was still at Jamies. I was trying to think of what to say to Ben, anything to avoid the awkwardness that would probably be there.

From Ben Dardis

Okay i'll come to your office in five.

Ben x

I hopped off outside the office and grabbed my bag. I attempted to run swiftly in my stilettos to my office. ''Bens here to see you.'' My secretary called into my room. I quickly fixed my hair and shouted back to let him in. ''Hey Gorgeous'' Ben said walking towards me and kissing me on the cheek.

''Hey less of that.'' I said grinning but secretly enjoying the peck on the cheek. ''So what did you want to talk about?'' Ben said moving back slightly.

''Em what happened with us in your office the other day.'' I said trailing off. ''What about it?'' Ben said smiling.

''We can;t have things like that happening, you're my boss.'' I said looking down. ''Why not? We had fun. Well, I did anyway.'' Ben said winking cheekily. ''Yeah but,'' ''But what?'' Ben said cutting over me. ''I like you gorgeous, you're hot, funny and have an amazing personality, actually i'm going to be honest. I've liked you since that morning we woke up together. I hoped you'd call but you didn't, now that faiths brought us back together why don't you want to do this? I mean I understand if you don't feel the same way.'' Ben said now looking as if he was shocked at what he had just said.

''No, I do like you Ben, Well i think I do...I'm not sure, you see I have a boyfriend, well kind of, he's my ex boyfriend but were trying to work things out at the moment and things are going really well its a shame to ruin it but I want to try things with you , i'm sorry its just so much I don't know what to do!.'' I burst out.

''Looked gorgeous. I don't wanna steal you from your boyfriend. Lets just leave things for now then? and if you feel differently in a week or a month or even longer then maybe we can give things ago again? Maybe its just the wrong time for us.'' Ben said looking very disappointed.

What was going on? I tried to please both guys and instead I break both their hearts. ''Yeah I like that idea Ben.'' I said.

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