Chapter Eighteen

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I woke up to the sound of Michael Buble comming from downstairs. Ben had left for work leaving the radio on and the kitchen a state. What had I done? I slept with my boss to spite my 'sort of boyfriend'. I over reacted, the reason I was angry at Jamie was because he was doing exactly what I was doing. How could I be so foolish to not see it?

I was fuming when I found him with Caroline, yet I've slept with my boss behind Jamies back. I pulled out my Blackberry. I hadn't checked it since yesterday

From Jamie 

Leah! is everything okay? I seen you drive away from mine earlier I must have missed you? Why didn't you show up for our date last night? Well I hope your okay give me call when you get this.

Jay x

Guilt washed over me.

I didn't own Jamie, therefore he could do whatever he wished. We were both single. I'm so stupid.

I also had several missed call from Jamie I best give him a text.

To Jamie

Hi Jay. Bit of a mis-understanding, we have to meet to talk about it. You free now?

Leah x

I wait anxiously for him to respond. If he heard why I flipped out earlier from someone else then he would be disgusted .

From Jamie

I'm just glad your alive! Was so worried. Yes I'm free see me at Toast in five?

Jay x

I ran upstairs and put on my light blue denim shorts and heels and I jumped into my jeep and headed to meet Jamie.

I arrived outside Toast and spotted him sitting alone outside with the sun beaming down on the table. He took off his ray bans and stood up when he noticed me walking towards him.

''Hey Leah'' He said with a huge smile across his face. 

''Hi Jay.'' I said looking away from his as he hugged me tightly.

''What happened yesterday? I seen your car pull out of my driveway. Why didn't you come in?'' He said looking concerned.

''I uh, I did come in'' I said taking a seat opposite him while staring at the ground.

''Oh?'' He said looking at me really confused now.

''I came in and I eh, I ran into Caroline....'' I said trailing off.

''Oh no! I'm such an idiot I forgot you didn;t like her. God I'm so sorry you had to see her in mine like that.'' He said sitting upright.

''Is that all you have to say? Why were you even with her in the first place? I mean i cant tell you who to be friends with but really? Caroline O'Shea? She said you never mentioned me?Why would you choose to sleep with her out of all the other girls in the world? why would you pick the girl I despise the most in the world?'' I ranted

''Whoa whoa wait, you think I slept with her?'' Jamie said taken aback.


''Well I didn't! Do you really think i'd do that to you? I thought we were past all this Leah. You don't trust me do you? '' Jamie said angrily

''No Jamie I do trust you I just...''

''Stop Leah she showed up at mine drunk, yelling and crying about how she had been raped. What was I supposed to do? I went upstairs to get her a blanket and call someone, I was helping someone out Leah. I know it looked kind of bad but you should not of over reacted like that. I hate that you don;t trust me after all weve been trough.'' He stopped suddenly

My jaw dropped.

He stood up. ''You know what Leah call me whenever you're ready to grow up.'' He bit then proceeded to walk to his sports car.

I couldn't even mange to get any words out. I had messed up big time.

I slowly made my way to my jeep. I slapped my head down on the steering wheel. Why am I such an idiot?

''Y'all right there gorgeous?''

I jumped with fright and lifted my head quickly to see Ben standing at my window. I winded it down.

''Ben? What are you doing here?'' I asked

''Could ask you the same question babe.'' I smiled

''I was having brunch with Jamie...'' I mumbled

''Oh'' His smile quickly turned into a frown.

''We had a lot to tlak about you know...'' I said trailing off

''Oh of course. I know. I eh...well I better go.'' He said quietly

''Wait Ben. I'll see you tonight?'' I said

''Are you asking me out gorgeous?'' He said smiling again/

''Em no!'' I laughed. ''The Christmas party...remember?'' I said laughing

''Oh right yes how could I forget haha!'' His face reddened ''Stilll going with Jamie?'' He said looking down.

''Yes I am , welll I think I Am anyway, I suppose if he will still take me, I messed things up with him real bad.'' I said looking at him

''Oh well you can always go with me? I mean i know iv asked yhou before but Jamie sounds like a jerk. You deserve someone who will treat you properly.'' I said shyly.

I looked into his eyes. ''Oh stop Ben. I love him you know that.'' I said 

''Well it didn;t really seem like that last night.'' He mumbled

''Last night was a mistake we were both hammered!'' I bit back

''Okay well I guess i'll talk to you later then Leah, have a great night with Jamie.'' Ben said walking away.

I cant please anyone.

My Blackberry beeped.

From Jamie

Sorry I was pissed about you accusing me its just I was worrying about Caroline. Don;t worry I found out she was just drunk talking. Everything she said to me was a lie. I love you and I understand exactly what that could have looked like. I'm at home now. Come with me to the party tonight?

Jay x

I sighed a breath of relief. The last thing I needed was for him to be angry at me.

To Jamie

No its my fault. I do trust you, really. Its just it did look bad to me. I love you and yes of course im still going with you 

Leah x

I put the key in the ignition and drove to the salon where Kendal waited for me patiently.

''About time Leah! We ahvent seen each other in days and you show up a half hour late to see me'' Kendal said squeezing me

''I'm sorry doll, had a fight with Jay but don;t worry we made up.'' I said smiling cheekily

''So nothing new there.'' She said folding her arms.

''Oh give it over! Will you ever accept that were dating?'' I said taking a seat as the assistan came over to do our makeup.

''Nope'' Kendal said turning up her nose at me

''I love him though!'' I said staring her in the eye

''But do you really Leah?'' She said at her assistant lifted with face away from me in an attempt to do her hair.

''I do! and things are good between us now. Were not exclusive yet but were working on it.'' I said lifting my head.

''Okay Leah whatever you say.'' 

When my hair and makeup was finally done I hugged Kendal goodbye then got ino my jeep.  I did love Jamie. Of course I loved him. I wished Kendal would just accept that. 

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