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This was nothing new. Just the Tardis spinning out of control in a free fall. "Faced worse!" the Doctor called out to no one. Seeing as there was no one there to admire his brilliance as he frantically tried to slow the crash by pulling at the levers and typing in numbers. It wasn't going to help much though. The Tardis was still going to crash. "Where are you going old girl?" The Doctor shouted as he looked at the map. He wasn't even in Britain anymore! The Tardis made a sound. You know. The sound it usually makes as the Tardis lands. The sound that River Song said was because, You leave the brakes on, he could almost hear her laughter.

"What!" shouted the Doctor astonished. there was a crash behind him. Sparks flew and he ducked as a piece of the ceiling came down, exposing wires and gears. Suddenly the sound of rushing water could be heard. Water lapped around the Doctor's ankles. "Not the pool!" He cried out as he threw himself back into the task of trying to stop the free fall. The water was now up to his knees. The Tardis door flew open. "Oh come on!" he said as water rushed past him. Suddenly he was thrown upside down. He caught hold of a wire. "WOOOOAAAHHH!" he shouted.

Down below an elderly gentleman and his wife were enjoying the sunny day when all of a sudden a blue box appeared out of the skyline nearly missing a building but hitting a billboard as it spun out of control. Everyone had stopped while they stared at the mysterious object hurtling through the sky headed towards the suburbs. All around phones and cameras were whipped out capturing this odd moment. The doors flew open and you heard someone shout "WWWOOAAHH" as he clung to the inside of the box for dear life. Water poured out drenching cars on the street. The doors slammed shut with a bang as the blue box righted itself and flew off into the distance. There was a BOOM as the impact sounded. The couple looked at each other and smiled.

"There he goes again Mickey." said the women.

"You're telling me." he replied. Martha took Mickey's arm as they walked to the car on the way to the airport back to Britain.

The Doctor was on the ground. Well not the ground he was laying on the wall of the side of the Tardis. He opened his eyes and jumped up. Everything was smoking. He covered his mouth and ran to the middle of the Tardis looking it over. "No. NO!" he shouted a couple of times. The smoke stung his eyes. The doors to the Tardis flew open he carefully made his way toward them coughing a little. He grabbed the bottom of the door frame and hoisted himself up looking around. He brought himself up over the edge of the door and onto the ground. He landed on grass. The Tardis on the other hand had landed on a bed of flowers. Spinning around he deduced he was in a neighborhood. It looked pretty small and had a dead end street. The house that belonged to the front lawn he landed in was blue. Not any blue though. Tardis Blue. Complete with a blue door. The Doctor paid no mind to it. "Well, well, well Tardis. Looks like we're not in Britain anymore." he said, laughing to himself about the Wizard of Oz reference.

The door to the blue house opened. The Doctor looked at it as a women in a white dress stepped out. "I seem to have landed in your.." he stopped down to look at the flowers. "Magnolias. I believe they're called." he said jumping back up.

"That's quite all right." said the woman with a smile. "I have another bed of them in the back." she said lightly.

"You have two bed's of Magnolia's. What for!" the Doctor didn't let her respond though. "Now don't mind me. I should have the Tardis up and running before no time." He rushed back to where it lay and without thinking tried to right it himself. With a lot of grunts and groans he gave up. "Heavier than i remembered." he said almost to himself scratching his head. "You wouldn't happen to have a fork lift would you?" he asked looking back at the women. He answered his own question "Of course not!" he slapped himself. "Why would a sensible woman have a fork lift." he asked himself.

"Why wouldn't a sensible woman have a forklift?" said the woman. More of a statement than a question as she threw open her garage revealing a forklift.

"Fantastic!" the Doctor shouted running toward it ignoring the writing along the side of it that said 'Rent a lift'. He hopped into the drivers side and rubbed his hands gleefuly. In truth the Doctor had always wanted to do this. "Do you even know how to drive one of those things?" called out the women.

"Not a clue!" he shouted back with excitment as he shifted down rolling out of the garage. He abruptly stopped before hitting the end of the driveway. He shifted a different way which caused it to lurch forward a couple times. He shifted again and it moved forward smoothly as he turned the wheel. "Haha!" he exclaimed, a bright smile on his face. Nearby the woman laughed just as loud. He rolled right onto the grass up to the Tardis. He positioned the lift under the top of the Tardis. "Good thing we're on solid ground or the Tardis would roll!" he shouted as he made the legs of the lift move up. It seemed to be straining though, under the weight of the Tardis. "Come on ole girl! Little help here." He siad to the Tardis. It responded and instantly the lift began to push the Tardis into an upright position.

With the Tardis on it's feet, well you know what i mean. The Doctor threw hs arms up in triumph. The woman was clapping nearby. "Thank you! Thank you!" the Doctor cried out jumping down from the fork lift and bowing a couple times for effect. "Now!" he continued spinning around to face the now upright Tardis. Suddenly everything came rushing into him at once. All the information he saw at first but didn't see. The color of the house, the rent a lift forklift and how she just happened to have one, the calm cool way she talked to him. Unafraid. He turned and stalked toward her his expression grim. "Who are you?" he asked expecting the worst.

"Why Doctor! I'm appalled." she replied with a fake gasp as she steeped back a little.

"Who. Are. You." he demanded. She just smiled sweetly at him. "A strange man crashes his strange box in your Magnolias and you don't bat an eylash. I'm asking you. Who you are, and why are you dressed up like you're going to a party?" he asked taking in her outfit. It was fancy but not to fancy. A white dress with lace on the shoulder and around the edges.What set it off was her shoes. Dammaged old ripped up sneakers of some brand.

"Got to make a good first impression right? That's what you told me. You also told me..." she interupted the Doctor as he opened his mouth. "To Rent a lift on this very day and have it ready at this time." she said with a slight smile a slightly glazed look in her eyes as she recalled the memory.

"I said that." she nodded. "Well, thank you. Or thank me." he said tugging at his jacket, wearing a proud expression. "Wait you said first impression. How many more times do i see you?" the Doctor asked cocking his head. She laughed and smiled sweetly.

"Now you know i can't tell you that." she siad with a shake of her head.

"But.." the Doctor started to say. He was cut off by a little boy running out of the house and shouting,

"DADDY!" at th top of his lungs. The Doctor's eyes grew wide looking over the child who lept at him tackeling him to the ground.

"Connor." Scolded the woman, but he wasn't listening, just started babbeling about his day and how much he missed him. The Doctor looked over him, Connor, he had the same mess of brown hair like he did but the eyes were the color of the gold. "Connor." repeated the woman.

"Sorry mommy." he said meakly as he let the Doctor stand. The question on the Doctor's face was obvious. What in the world was going on?

do you like it? comment. :) i mean maybe. This could be on hold for a while as i finish up a different story but if you comment and ask for more i'll gladly write more.

The Time Travelers WifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora