Queen of the Amazons

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Anne-Marie reached up and pulled free the scepter. It came away easily in her hands which was very puzzling indeed. Anne-Marie knew she wasn't as strong as the Doctor so how could she grab hold of it when he couldn't? She rolled the smooth gold metal around in her small hands as she examined it. On the top a swirl was affixed and encrusted with jewels that rained down the shaft. She touched the jewels lightly watching them light up in turn and fade out. "It's beautiful." Anne-Marie whispered.

"Yes beautiful. Now, hand it over girl." Medulla said appearing in a cloud of swirling black smoke.

"No." Anne-Marie said forcefully glaring the sorceress down.

"No." she echoed.

"Anne-Marie.." the Doctor said nervously.

"Quiet you fool." Medulla shouted at him before looking back at Anne-Marie. "I repeat my command. Hand it over!" she shouted her voice booming in the big room.

"No." Anne-Marie repeated. Medulla smiled wickedly and suddenly Anne-Marie was regretting not giving her what she wanted.

"You will regret this greatly, girl." Medulla threatened as her hands lit up blue.

"I think I'm already regretting it." Anne-Marie whispered in fear. Medulla smiled wider and with a giant battle cry threw all she had at Anne-Marie who held up the scepter in defense.

"NO!" the Doctor screamed as he watched the blue flames engulf Anne-Marie. No. this couldn't be happening she... She wasn't stone.

"What the.." Anne-Marie said slowly lowering the scepter.

"WHAT!" Medulla screamed astonished.

"Anne-Marie it's the scepter!" the Doctor shouted.

"Really? That's so cool!" Anne-Marie shouted twirling it like it was a baton.

"Be careful with it!" the Doctor warned standing up and motioning for her to stop spinning it.

"I will i.. oops." she squeaked as it dropped from her hands and rolled across the dusty ground. Medulla looked at Anne-Marie who looked back in shock. They dove for it at the same time. Thankfully Anne-Marie was quicker, Medulla being slowed down by her long robes. Anne-Marie hit the ground with a thud that hurt her shoulder but she didn't very well care seeing as she had the scepter back. With a roar Medulla made a grab for it. But as her hand connected to the bright metal she was blown back with a shock in the same manner as the Doctor had been. Thrown into a warrior statue with a thump leaving it a wobbling mess.

"No!" the Doctor shouted as the statue tipped dangerously low.

"Stop!" Anne-Marie shouted pointing the scepter at the statue. It never hit the ground and instead righted itself. Before Anne-Marie could stand there in wonder the Doctor grabbed her by the hand and pulled her to his side.

"Get behind me." he said pulling out his sonic screwdriver.

"If you haven't noticed I'm the one with the magical scepter that somehow hates the two of you." Anne-Marie yelled in surprise. Medulla screamed and threw flames at the two of them to which Anne-Marie held out the scepter closing her eyes. If she was turned to stone she didn't want Medulla to be the last thing she saw. But again nothing happened.

"Did you know your hair is back to normal?" the Doctor asked lightly tugging on the strands of her hair.

"Is it? Must be why it feels lighter." Anne-Marie said touching the ends of her hair. Sure enough it was gone. Not a single trace of rock. Not even a speck of rubble.

"Why is it not working!" Medulla shouted starring at her hands in disbelief.

"I don't know." Anne-Marie replied looking down at the scepter in her hands. "How does the thing even work.." Anne-Marie said thoughtfully turning it around and hitting the top of the scepter against one of the Amazonian statues. There was a dull crack and Anne-Marie looked at the statue to see a nick in her shoulder. "Uh-oh." Anne-Marie breathed out as the whole statue began to crumble. "I killed her!" she shouted but the Doctor wasn't convinced and squinted his eyes at the statue which was suddenly not a statue anymore.

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