Pt 2: O 500 Squad

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"Where the hell are you two from and where does she get off telling us she's fought in the god damn civil war?" the Sergeant demands gesturing at Anne-Marie.

"Well how else would i know how to shoot a gun?" Anne-Marie asks raising an eyebrow. The Sergeant glances at the Doctor.

"Well you must have some sick twisted kind of Father who liked to tell war stories." Anne-Marie snorts and glances at the Doctor.

"He's not my dad. Weird." she said trying not to laugh.

"She's my companion." the Doctor tells him. Then men's eyes grow wide then narrow. One of them yanks Anne-Marie away from the Doctor who cries out.

"Whoa! Hey! Let go!" Anne-Mare cries out.

"Not.. Not like that. We travel all of space and time together!" the Doctor shouts moving closer toward her but the Sergeant pulls out his gun.

"Like hell. I'm suppose to believe that?" he demands.

"He has two hearts!" Anne-Marie shouts struggling against the arms that hold her back. They glance at her skeptically. "Come on you have a medic. Go check!" Anne-Marie says glaring at a specif boy with white blonde hair.

"How did you k-know i was a medic." he stammered out perplexed.

"Your helmet. Go." the guy glances up at his helmet where a red flag and white cross sit. Nodding he pulls out a stethoscope.

"Stay where you are Davidson." the Sergeant barks out aiming his gun at the Doctor's chest.

"If you shoot him he'll just come back!" Anne-Marie cried out still struggling against the arms that held her back. The sergeant glanced her way. "Just let him listen to his heart. Or shoot him and realize I'm telling the truth. Either way, I'm right." Anne-Marie says looking him straight in the eyes. Without looking away the Sergeant motions Davidson to examine his chest. 

"Have you forgotten where a heart should be?" the Sergeant demands as Davidson places the metal end of his stethoscope first on the Doctor's left side then toward his right confused as he does it again.

"He has... Two separate heartbeats." Davidson replies astounded. Everyone takes a turn listening to the Doctor's chest. Everyone comes to the same conclusion. Two hearts.

"I was right. You can still shoot him if you like. I've never actually seen his little magic show." Anne-Marie teases the Doctor walking back up to him.

"You know about that?" the Doctor asks.

"Of course." the Doctor shrugs.

"Mind telling me again what the hell you two are doing out here in the middle of bloody Vietnam?" the Sergeant demands.

"Project for school. Thought I'd experience it first hand. Looking back on it not my best idea. We're separated from the Tardis now." Anne-Marie says sheepishly looking back up at the Doctor.

"Told you." he says nudging her. Anne-Marie rolls her eyes.

"Do you think you guys can get us back to it?" Anne-Marie asks hopefully.

"Back there? With all those Nam's? Are you kidding me?" one of the men shouts at her.

"Cool it Jefferson. Kid," the Sergeant says turning to Anne-Marie. "There is no way we can take you back there. We'll be dead before we can get to it." Anne-Marie doesn't seem to be listening though. She's calculating the number of steps she approximately took in her head.

"Can't be more than a mile. It's actually a lot less than that maybe half." Anne-Marie argues.

"Well which was is it?" another man speaks up.

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