Come find me.

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"How bout you go get that drawing you've been wanting to show the Doctor?" the woman told him, bending down to ruffle his hair.

"Okay Mommy!" he shouted jumping up and running into the house. She stood brushing the dirt off her dress and looked at the Doctor. She laughed. It seemed to echo and bounce of walls. It was a beautiful sound. "

I've never seen you speechless." she said trying to stop herself from laughing. This whole situation was not funny for the Doctor though. In fact he was feeling a bit uncomfortable. So the Doctor did the only thing he knows ho to do. He ran. Turned tail and headed for the Tardis. She was faster than him though. catching his hand. She didn't have a pained expression on her face or disappointment she was actually smiling. "Doctor, I know it's weird, for you seeing as this is the first time you meet me and well Connor comes running out and he looks like.." she stopped. "It's confusing but trust me. You can't run away from me. You'll always find your way back to me. Okay? So pick a year any year, any month, any day. And come find me because i'll be waiting." she seemed so sincere and so sure.

"And what if i don't come back and find you?" he said almost sternly, as if he was preparing her for the inevitable. She laughed.

"If i know you Doctor, and i do. Your curiosity will get the better of you." She was right of course. Even as she spoke the Doctor's gears were spinning. Guessing her age and figuring out which year to find her in.

"How old were you when we first meet?" the Doctor asked staring at her intensely.

"Oh no you don't. It's a surprise." she said, laughter in her eyes. Connor came back waving a paper in the air.

"Here Doctor!" he said shoving it into his hands and looking away shyly. The Doctor looked down. It was a crude drawing of him, Connor, and his mom next to the Tardis. He frowned at it. He had hoped to get the name of the woman. "You don't like it." said Connor looking at the frown on the Doctor's face. He looked like he was about to burst into tears.

"No, no." the Doctor replied, bending down and awkwardly patting Connor on the had. "I think it's great. In fact." he strode over to the Tardis. It had stopped smoking now, it was still a bit destroyed but the Doctor could fix that when he left. He got out some tape and put it on the inside door of the Tardis. Connor smiled brightly ran over and hugged the Doctor's legs. The Doctor almost fell over but righted himself by pushing off the door and keeping himself still. He had no idea what to do so he again just awkwardly patted his head.

"Okay Connor i think the Doctor has to leave." the woman said, walking over looking like she was about to burst out laughing.

"Awww." complained Connor, letting go of the Doctor's legs and walking over to his mother. "Goodbye Doctor." the woman called out, smiling brightly.

"Goodbye Daddy!" shouted Connor waving wildly. The doctor didn't know what to think. He stepped inside the Tardis and closed the door. There was a choking sound and the Doctor realized it was him. He had been trying to hold it back since he realized what might be happening and who this woman might be. He slumped against the door of the Tardis and let a couple tears escape. He didn't know if he would be able to survive this one. He still wasn't over the loss of the Ponds, and to be thrust into another situation like this was too much. Then reality slapped the Doctor. He slapped himself wiped his eyes and walked over to the center of the Tardis.

"Well, Sexy, let's get going he murmured. He flipped a couple switches, pressed a couple buttons. The Tardis started to make that familiar sound. On the monitor he could see Connor waving furiously at the disappearing Tardis and the calm wave of the woman. He could read the look on her face. It said, You'll be back. the doctor flipped one more switch and WOOSH! He vanished into time and space.

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