Van Gogh

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"You okay Anne-Marie?" the Doctor asked rushing to her side. Anne-Marie nodded. She was shaking all over but she felt great. "You're still bleeding." the Doctor said pointing to a gash on her arm. Anne-Marie shrugged.

"I'll be fine. Let's just get back to my house." Anne-Marie said walking away and waving for the Doctor to follow. Anne-Marie first filled the water and food dishes for the kittens who hissed at the Doctor watching him warily. The Doctor made faces at them. Anne-Marie caught him and hit his arm with a roll of her eyes. They walked out the door and locked up as they left. As they headed into the house a car pulled up into the driveway. Anne-Marie gasped. "My parents." she murmured. They went inside and Anne-Marie gasped at the mess. "I'm going to be in so much trouble!" she groaned beginning to pick everything up.

"Quick! to the Tardis!" the Doctor shouted. Anne-Marie booked it toward the back door. She threw it open and rushed toward the Tardis. The Doctor snapped his fingers and the doors flew open. Anne-Marie threw a couple switches and the Doctor joined her.

"How do you know how to drive her!" he shouted. Anne-Marie laughed.

"I've watched you do this for years!" Anne-Marie replied gleefully. The Doctor smiled as they both pressed the button and tumbled back into time. The Tardis landed a few feet away from the original one. Anne-Marie opened the door and heard a scream,

"YOU LITTLE RUNT!" there was a couple crashes then the Doctor shouting her name. Anne-Marie pushed back on the Doctro's chest.

"Shh. We're just inside." she whispered peeking around the door and looking at their older selves from inside the Tardis. "What are you doing! After them!" Anne-Marie shouted. Then the Doctor and Anne-Marie ran out of the house. "Let's go." Anne-Marie said tugging on the Doctor's hands. They ran through the back door and began cleaning up the mess. They were still clutching the silverware which Anne-Marie sighed in relief over. She washed them thoroughly while the Doctor placed the cut out pieces of the lasagna into the oven to keep them warm. They turned the chairs back over and straightened everything up. There was a shriek from next door and Anne-Marie looked up from her washing. "The Tardis." she said suddenly.

"What about it?" the Doctor asked.

"It's standing next to the first one! Put it somewhere else!" Anne-Marie said pushing him out the door.

"All right all right." the Doctor said.

"Don't forget to hide." he told her.

"I've done this before!" Anne-Marie said waving him away. The Doctor turned back around and jogged toward the Tardis. He settled for just making the Tardis invisible for a moment as their older selves rushed through the back door and hopped into the Tardis. The Doctor jogged back to the open back door and looked inside. He saw Anne-Marie crouching on the ground behind the kitchen counter. "We gone?" she asked standing up.

"Course but uhh. Anne-Marie." the Doctor said nodding toward the ripped shirt and wound on her arm. Anne-Marie yelped.

"Talk to my parents!" she called rushing off down the hallway of her house.

"Talk to them about what!" the Doctor called out, but Anne-Marie either didn't hear or didn't want to answer. The Doctor spun around and found a mirror which he used to straighten his bow tie and push back is hair. "Bow ties are cool." the Doctor told himself a smile on his face. There was the sound of someone opening the front door. The Doctor strode toward the living room.

"Yes. Parents! Hello Anne-Marie's mom and dad!"' the Doctor said enthusiastically shaking their hands. They both looked at him confused. "I'm Anne-Marie's well boyfriend. John Smith. Most people call me Doctor." the Doctor said clasping his hands together a smile on is face.

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