Meeting the Parents

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Anne-Marie was tired. Really tired. So tired she could just curl up on the floor and sleep. With the ruckus the Doctor was making and the whirring of the Tardis it would've been easy. Anne-Marie felt like she could sleep for days. Instead rubbing her eyes sleepily she leaned against the railing watching the Doctor move around the control panel navigating the Tardis. "Almost home." the Doctor called out smiling over at Anne-Marie who gave a small smile back. With one last dramatic throw of a switch the Tardis landed right outside Anne-Marie's home. Anne-Marie yawned.

"I feel like i could sleep for days." Anne-Marie murmured to the Doctor as they stepped outside.

"Well you get.." the Doctor said pushing up his sleeve to look at his watch. "Six hours." Anne-Marie shrugged.

"Good enough." she said yawning again. "

Yawning is contagious that is." the Doctor said almost yawning himself.

"So i'll see you soon?" Anne-Marie asked as she opened the front door of her house. The Doctor nodded smiling. "You're not going to disappear for a year right?" Anne-Marie pressed.

"Promise." the Doctor said crossing his heart and holding up his hand like a boy scout. Anne-Marie looked him up and down and nodded.

"Goodbye Doctor." she said lazily stepping inside. The Doctor watched her close the door and gave a small wave. Anne-Marie smiled back. the Doctor turned around hands in his pockets and headed back to the Tardis. Anne-Marie stood by the window and watched the Tardis leave in a flash of blue light. She yawned again stretching out her arms and made her way back to her bedroom. She paused by her parents room and saw the sleeping form of her mother. She hadn't woken. Anne-Marie sighed and pushed open the door to her room. She was so grateful to see it. Anne-Marie ran and jumped on top of it. Rolling under the covers she snuggled into her pillows with a contented sigh. She wondered when the Doctor would be back and where they would head next. She dreamed of the Tardis and their next adventure.

The Doctor spun around in his Tardis and pressed a button that shot it up into space and disappeared into a different time. "Where too next?" the Doctor murmured touching the glass sides of the center of the Tarids. It whirred in response. The Doctor patted it with a smile. That's when the telephone rang. "What?" the Doctor asked spinning around and around. There was no telephone here. He hadn't installed one into the dashboard this time. The only telephone was.. outside the Tardis. With a confused look on his face the Doctor headed toward the door of the Tardis. He opened it and peeked out. The Earth was spinning below him and the stars danced around the Tardis. He pulled open the door for the telephone and picked it up bringing it back inside the safety of the Tardis.

"Hello." the Doctor said happily. "You have reached the Doctor. How did you get this number?" he asked jumping down the stairs coiling the wire of the phone around his finger.

"What are you talking about Doctor you gave me this number." came a voice.

"Anne-Marie?" the Doctor asked.

"Yes of course. Who else? Do you have any other callers?" Anne-Marie asked sarcastically.

"Well no." the Doctor said.

"Exactly. Now i.." there was a crash and the Doctor spun to face the control panel. "What are you doing?" Anne-Marie asked.

"Nothing! the Tardis needs.. Re-wiring." the Doctor said as it caught fire. The Doctor scrambled for a fire extinguisher nearby pressing the phone between his shoulder and ear. "Now what is it you need?" he asked as he headed toward the fire with the extinguisher.

"I need you to be my boyfriend." Anne-Marie blurted out. the Doctor held the phone in his left hand and the extinguisher in the other.

"Well this is moving awfully fast. Don't you think i should take you out first?" the Doctor asked.

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