Home Again, Home Again

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"Yes of course. What do you need?" George Lucas asked without hesitation. The Doctor smiled happily.

"Your lights. Just for a little while." the Doctor said pointing at the different spotlights around the room.

"Okay, do you people to help you?" George asked not blinking an eye. Mark, Carrie, and Harrison looked at him astonished.

"Mr. Lucas you're just going to let him take the lights?" Mark asked. George nodded as if it was obvious.

"No Lucas. I've got this." the Doctor said flexing his arms. George laughed.

"What the hell you need lights for?" Harrison asked.

"See there was this starfish monster thing and he's not particularly fond of light. Now i could just drag him out of the pyramids and into the sun but it's hard to get a grip on those slimy suckers. Spotlights work just fine!" the Doctor said talking quickly.

"A starfish monster?" Carrie echoed.

"Pyramids?" Mark said intrigued. "Sounds great." The Doctor swiveled to face him.

"Not so much Mark. Right now the starfish monster is releasing poisonous spores that are killing the people of Egypt and my newest companion." the Doctor said his voice taking on a tone of seriousness.

"Didn't read that in the text books." murmured Carrie.

"Which is good!" the Doctor said waving his finger in the air.

"That means i stopped in and queeny here never told a soul outside her palace." the Doctor said looking at Cleopatra sternly.

"I swear to you. If you cleanse my people. No one will know." she reassured him.

"Except us. We know." Harrison replied.

"I know!" the Doctor said enthusiastically. "Which means i'll have to kill you." he said sounding remorse full. Carrie gasped slightly but Lucas and the doctor just laughed.

"Good one Doctor!" Lucas said hitting him on the back.

"Yes well." the Doctor said happily. "About those lights." the Doctor said returning to the task at end.

"Go right ahead." Lucas said gesturing toward the tall spotlights.

"Maybe we should clear the room first." the Doctor said gesturing out to the whole room.

"Right, everyone! Take five! Get water! Snacks. Run wild!" Lucas said shouting out. Everyone responded immediately, practically dropping everything they had. "You'll be alright with five minutes right?" Lucas asked as they got to work.

"Plenty of time!" the Doctor said happily as he carried the light to the Tardis. Cleopatra was holding open the doors for them. Carrie, Harrison and Mark got to work hauling more lights. When Mark stepped through the doors of the Tardis he was awestruck. Harrison ran into him.

"What. What is it kid?" he asked. He turned setting down the light and assumed the same shocked look as Mark.

"Why it's like a real life Star Wars in here." Harrison said gesturing toward the control panel.

"Except better." the Doctor said happily jumping out of the Tardis to get more lights.

"Now i can see where George get's all his ideas." Carrie said, but Lucas looked just as stunned.

"You've re-decorated!" Lucas called out. The Doctor popped his head back inside the Tardis.

"I have." he said with a sly smile on his face.

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