Dark and Damp

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Cleopatra, the Doctor and Anne-Marie stared down into the open tomb. Nobody made a move to go down. With the steps covered in some sickly looking slime there was no way Cleopatra would go first. This needs a real scrub down before the Pharaoh may step down. Was all she thought as she tried to peer past the steps into the dark. "Tell me Anne-Marie." the Doctor said stooping down to her eye level. "Are you afraid of the dark?" he asked slowly a smile on his face. Anne-Marie thought. She wasn't afraid of the dark. She was afraid of what could lay in wait in the dark. Nobody is ever to fond of the dark.

"Isn't everyone afraid of the dark?" Anne-Marie asked lightly.

"Right you are." the Doctor said kissing her forehead before standing back up.

"Now queeny. I think it best if you stay up here. My comrade and i will scope things out and report back." the Doctor said goofily saluting Cleopatra. She looked puzzled but then agreed.

"Yes well, I will not descend into such sacred ground for it is.." the Doctor cut her off.

"Against the rules. Not in accordance with the regulations. Very very bad. Yes that is why we are here." the Doctor said pulling Anne-Marie to his side. "Right now. Anne-Marie." the Doctor spun around and looked back down the steps. He took out his sonic screwdriver. "Watch your step." he said smiling back at her. Anne-Marie smiled back and the Doctor hopped down the steps. It was dark. Really dark. Very dark. Scary dark. But the Doctor was excited everything to him was a whole new adventure. Another monster to go after on a brand new day. Never staying in one place. Always running away from things he has no control over. Like the future. His future with Anne-Marie. And.. Connor. The Doctor stopped walking. He had reached the bottom of the steps.  

Anne-Marie was scared. Not scared completely. Scared because the dark looked like a black hole. It was sucking everything in. Even light. The Doctor had been swallowed in seconds and Anne-Marie hesitated. Should she follow? The dark was never something she liked, but the Doctor was down there and she couldn't let him go alone. He would need her. She knew it was dumb to think that. A grown man needing the company of a little girl but she knew in her heart that it was true. Gritting her teeth and bracing herself she took a couple cautious steps down. She concentrated on the floor beneath her but it was hard to see. The steps were falling away. Anne-Marie looked straight ahead.

Just walk. She told herself. Step down. One foot after the other. And that's what she did. Taking her time. How far did it go? She couldn't tell. There was a green light below her. Anne-Marie paused. What was it? The light shifted and moved like someone trying to shine light on things. The Doctor. Anne-Marie smiled recognizing the familiar glow of the sonic screwdriver she had broken and fixed a year ago. It felt like yesterday. And according to the Doctor for him. It was yesterday. "Doctor." Anne-Marie called reaching the bottom. The green light started coming toward her.

"There you are what took you so long?" The Doctor asked a wide smile on his face. He was bathed in green light which made him look a bit spooky.

"Well maybe you shouldn't move to fast. Besides it dark. What if I tripped?" Anne-Marie asked indignantly. The Doctor tapped his chin.

"Should've brought a torch." He muttered turning around the green light disappearing.

"Doctor!" Anne-Marie said. The walls felt like they were closing in on her. But she couldn't even see the walls.

"Right, right!" The Doctor said turning back around and taking Anne-Marie's hand. "Ready?" He asked. Anne-Marie nodded. As ready as she will ever be. The Doctor raced off taking Anne-Marie with her.

"What are we looking for Doctor?" Anne-Marie asked trembling slightly. It was not only dark down in the pyramid but cold. Anne-Marie really wished she had something covering her bare shoulders.

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