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"Mom, Dad. This is the Doctor." Anne-Marie said gesturing to him, nervously tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. The creatures stopped and stared confused as they sized up the Doctor. Their yellow eyes surveyed him careful. Then they blinked and the yellow was placed with a dull brown.

"Aw yes. Your.. Doctor friend." her dad spoke up. He looked maybe sixty years old and their were gray streaks in his hair. The woman next to him couldn't have been much younger. Her brown hair was cropped short and their were age lines on her face.

"Hello. I'm John Smith." the Doctor said sticking out his hand. Anne-Marie's dad looked at his hand then back up at him. He took it, firmly gripping the Doctor's hand tightly. "Nice to meet you." he said. Anne-Marie seemed to be breathing a sigh of relief.

Better not do that just yet. The Doctor's mind spoke.

Kill them kill them now. Now wait just a minute.

He has to get Anne-Marie out of there first.

Then kill them. The Doctor shook his head to clear the voices.

"Well. Let's all head toward the table." Anne-Marie said brightly touching the Doctor's back and steering him toward the kitchen.

"I'll help you with the food!" the Doctor volunteered loudly. Anne-Marie looked at him quizzically. Why was he being loud? She grabbed the pan of lasagna and Doctor picked up the dish of steamed vegetables. "They're not your parents. I'm sorry." the Doctor said speaking lowly.

"What are you talking about?" Anne-Marie hissed a cold look in her eyes.

"They're not your parents." the Doctor whispered again.

"Of course they are. They look like them. They're my parents, besides youv'e never met them." Anne-Marie said walking toward the table. The Doctor grabbed her arm.

"I'm telling you. Those things out there aren't your parents." the Doctor said forcefully.

"Then who or what are they?" Anne-Marie asked.

"Shapeshifters." the Doctor replied. That one word sent shivers up Anne-Marie's spine. She's faced them before with the Doctor though she supposed he hasn't done that yet.

"What?! How?" Anne-Marie asked. The Doctor was about to answer but was cut off by Anne-Marie's dad.

"Hey! What are you kids doing in there?" he asked.

"Be right out!" Anne-Marie called.

"Okay, here's what we're going to do. We're going to have dinner. Act like everything is fine. Then we'll kill them." the Doctor tells her.

"Damn it." Anne-Marie curses rummaging through the utensil drawer.

"What?" the Doctor asked confused.

"All my silverware is out there." Anne-Marie hissed.

"How did you know silver can kill them?" the Doctor asked amused.

"Because we've fought them before. Just wait and see. " the Doctor smiles and shrugs as they walk out of the kitchen together.

"Smells lovely dear." Anne-Marie's mom says.

"Thank you mother. It was hard to make considering you guys didn't have anything in your fridge. I had to go out and by everything." they set the food down on the hot plates in the center of the table. The Doctor was amused by Anne-Marie's little act. Well maybe it wasn't an act. She did believe these were her parents. They looked like her parents. But they weren't her parents. Her parents laughed.

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