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The Doctor spins around in his Tardis a couple of times wondering where and when to land in Anne-Marie's timeline. He's not really deciding so much as just walking around and wondering where he'll end up this time. The Tardis doesn't seem to want to cooperate when it comes to Anne-Marie. The Doctor is sure she loves her but it just doesn't take him where he wants to go. The Tardis takes him where he needs to go. So should he even try to pick or just set a date and see if that's where he lands. The Tardis whirs in response like it can hear his though process. "All right ole girl. Let's go for a spin." the Doctor says with a small smile patting the console before inputting a date at random somewhere in the year 3000. The Tardis hummed happily as it tossed the Doctor through the time vortex. It didn't land where he wanted to go but it took him where he was needed most which is all the Doctor could have asked for.

He exited the Tardis happily. If only he had known this would be the last good day. The last exciting adventure with Anne-Marie before this friendship and life he had built up with Anne-Marie was ripped to pieces before his eyes. If the Doctor had known this maybe he wouldn't have left the Tardis. Maybe he wouldn't have even landed, but the matter of the fact is that he did. The Doctor did land and he did exit the Tardis. Anne-Marie heard the Tardis from inside her house in her old bedroom where she laid on her twin bed which was way too big for her twenty-two year old body. Closing the book and rising with a giant smile on her face she felt like she was ten years old again hearing that whirring wheezing sound in the middle of the night. It signaled adventure, hope, happiness. 

Anne-Marie walked quickly to the front door and threw it open. "Doctor!" Anne-Marie cried out moving towards him and opening up her arms for a hug.

"Oh wow! look at you! All grown up!" the Doctor cries out wrapping his arms around her back. Anne-Marie laughs.

"Been hanging around my younger self a lot lately?" Anne-Marie teases still smiling.

"I just got back form an adventure with 13 year old you." the Doctor replies stepping back and holding her at arms length.

"Which one?" Anne-Marie asks with a widening smile.

"George Lucas." the Doctor is pretty sure Anne-Marie doesn't meet him twice and if she did only once when she was 13. Anne-Marie laughs and shakes her head.

"Yeah i remember that. Crazy day. Lots of fun. I haven't been to the snow since then." the Doctor looks appalled.

"Then we must go to the snow!" he cries out grabbing her hand.

"No Doctor wait!" Anne-Marie protests dragging her feet. The Doctor stops and looks at her. "You promised me a trip to Atlantis remember?" the Doctor cocks his head and looks confused. "Or at least you will promise me a trip to Atlantis. I wasn't even sure it existed til you brought it up a while back." the Doctor tapped his chin thoughtfully.

"Sure. A trip to Atlantis why not." Anne-Marie grins widely.

"Then let's go! I'm so excited. I bet it's beautiful there." Anne-Marie says dreamily leading the Doctor into the Tardis.

"It is. Beautiful arches and steeples and domes. How i love a good dome." the Doctor remarks. Anne-Marie laughs.

"Yeah i know how much you love domes." she replies with a smile. The Doctor smiles back before shutting the doors and starting up the Tardis. "Atlantis it is!" he cries out going back in time several thousand years.

"Woohoo!" Anne-Marie calls out in triumph as the Tardis demateralizes outside her house, just before her parents get home, way too early, from work. The Tardis lands in the middle of a large tiled courtyard in the great city of Atlantis. "What's it like! How will the people react? Oh it's probably so wonderful!" Anne-Marie says jumping up and down in excitement.

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