Anne-Marie Get Your Gun

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"So how long have you known the Doctor?" Anne-Marie asks curiously making both of the Doctors anxious.

"You know by being here were creating a paradox." The ninth Doctor says hitting the eleventh.

"I'll keep that in mind." The eleventh Doctor replies almost under his breath as he pushes past Captain Jack Harkness to get to Anne-Marie and Rose. He laughs nervously in sync with the two girls. "Hahaha! Alright you've had your fun you've had your laugh. Now Anne-Marie we really need to go." The eleventh Doctor says firmly looking into her eyes.

"You worry too much Doctor. We're just having fun and come on don't tell me you haven't.... " the smile on Anne-Marie's face drops.

"Haven't what?" Rose echoes.

"Nothing." The Doctor and Anne-Marie respond at the same time. The Doctor and Anne-Marie share an anxious glance.

"So you're the Doctor?" Rose asks changing the subject.

"Last time I checked yes." The eleventh Doctor says with a nod.

"But he's the Doctor." Rose says turning to the ninth Doctor.

"Hello." He responds with a wave of his hand while Anne-Marie giggles.

"Regeneration.. All very complicated." The eleventh Doctor says waving her away.

"So you can change your face?" Rose questions.

"I like it." Captain Jack says looking the eleventh Doctor up and down.

"Oh would you stop." The ninth and eleventh Doctor say with a roll of their eyes.

"What? I can't give you a compliment?" Jack Harkness asks.

"No." Both Doctors say pointing at him.

"Okay that's freaky you have got to stop doing that." Anne-Marie says looking back and forth between the two Doctors.

"So which one are you? Do you do this a lot?" Rose says walking up to the eleventh Doctor. As he opens his mouth Anne-Marie answers for him.

"He's the eleventh. Yours is the ninth." Anne-Marie gestures between the Doctors.

"Oh wow." Rose says quietly looking back and forth between the two Doctors.

"So how old are you.. Doctor?" Jack Harkness asks looking the Doctor up and down again. The Doctor opens his mouth but Anne-Marie speaks first.

"One thousand fi..." the Doctor clamps his hand over Anne-Marie's mouth.

"Really, really old." he cuts in making Anne-Marie roll her eyes.

"How do you know how old i am?" the Doctor asks quietly.

"I know everything about you." Anne-Marie whispers back. Rose who has overheard this looks at her Doctor a bit sadly. How come he doesn't trust her like that? The ninth Doctor on the other hand is very cautious. Who is this woman? Why does she know everything about him or at least future him? The eleventh Doctor is also hesitant. How can she know everything?

You don't really know her yet Doctor.

Give it time.

Don't trust her. The Doctor grinds his teeth and tugs on Anne-Marie's arm making her stop walking while the other three press forward. "We have to go or we'll risk a paradox." he whispers.

"We will not." Anne-Marie whispers back waving him off.

"You've done worse." Anne-Marie rolls her eyes.

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