Part 9

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Erina POV

The moment I had took a step into the building after I went pass the gates which had a eye security placed in it so. I didn't have any problem getting but I didn't expect to get huddled suddenly with million questions flying about.

I definitely didn't expect Red to push past all the agents and start scolding me about how stupid I was before nearly weeping like a worried mother. Amusement had overtaken my thoughts causing me to forget what had happened for the past week.

Now me and red were in the cafe, of course surround by the rest of the agents, throwing me questions about the prince. Of course Manning was the one who started the questions.

I sighed annoyingly before clearing my throat.

"I'll answer once I have had a fucking long bath, I haven't bathed in a week!" I stated well more spat causing a silence. I watched as majority of the Agents cringed away.

"Yeah that's i thought." I muttered blankly before choking on my spit as I felt huge hands hit my back harshly, a laugh followed making me scowl.

"That's my sister!" Red laughed still hitting me, I looked pleadingly at Liz who was eating silently (weirdly) she shook her head a smile tugging at her lips.

"Red, turn it down man, your going to break my spine!" I screamed as I escaped his grasp.

The Agents had dissolved and went back to doing their work with Mannig still standing over us.

I brushed my dirty denim jeans before turning to him with an emotionless face.

"After you have bathed, you will be questioned." He stated before glaring at red then strutting off. I shook my head with a chuckle seeing red sending hell daggers with his eyes.


Nuala was in the library, relaxing when the familiar ting of darkness but love shadowed her heart.

"He's here" she breathed out in slight fear and sorrow. Nuala had never been in favour of his brothers opinion but she loved her brother dearly as she does herself.

He is her twin and feeling the anguished pain always throbbing at one side of her heart saddened her. Though recently since one of the female Agents; Erina had gone missing the throbbing pain had decreased and she could even feel fondness.

For a fact Nuala knew the cause could be the human girl, but their was something weird about her, she seemed as if she wasn't human. Her aura was weird.

Nuala rushed upwards, she detached her crown piece and hid it in one of her favourite poem book and grabbed the scroll that she had tried to find an answer in but to no avail she did not. Then Nuala threw the cream paper as well as the metal cylinder with carvings into the scorching fire.

She watched as the paper writhed and shrivelled in plain sight before turning to ashes and becoming lost in the fire while the metal cylinder had a tint of neon red surrounding it.

She sighed internally in relief before turning on her heels to go and warn the others. A fearful and loud gasp left her lips. When she did turn her brothers face was a few centimetre away and a sweet but hateful smile was carved on his face.

His Amber eyes scorched her inside in fear. They were cold and full of hateful rage but a tint of sibling love swirled in them.

"Veru quick of you however the parchment was of no importance, the very interesting." Nuada whispered grabbing the scorching cylinder before staring at it intricately.

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