Dont hate me

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                  -Six hours earlier-
Antonio woke up seeing Lovino in his arms still from the previous night. He grins happily placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. It felt amazing to wake up like this really truly amazing.

He thought it'd be a wonderful idea if Lovino woke up to a beautiful big breakfast. He felt all giddy just at the thought of the Italians reaction to the table all set with flowers and pancakes. With some tomatoes on the side of course.

He oh so carefully got up making sure to place Lovino's head on a pillow and quietly walked into the kitchen to begin.

After a few minutes of getting started there was a knock on the door. He looks up from what he was doing humming as he goes to answer the door.

Just as the door was opened his eyes met with the one and only's, Gilen. He slowly frowned.

"What do you want?" He asks all happiness draining from his voice.

"Why do you sound so displeased?" The other chuckles sickly, his eyes flickering to look past Antonio as if searching for something or someone.

"Don't start this please, could you leave if you have no reason of being here?" He stated trying to keep his calm, not wanting to pick a fight no matter how much he knew this male had hurt his little Italian.

"I absolutely will not leave. You have some, thing that I want." He blew out a small huff as his eyes met Antonio's, narrowing.

"Who're you trying to convince here? I know you don't love /him/. No one does and you know that. Just give it up. I figured it out that you're here protecting him. Stop the bullshit. Don't lie about loving him either we all know he's unloved" he sneered before continuing "Though I admire the whole leading him on thing but the problem is that you've taken away my play toy~ and I very much don't appreciate that" he said almost grossly innocent sounding. He'd gotten good at it after all, he was amazing at convincing and persuading everyone. Parents, students, teachers, you name it Gilen could do it.

Antonio could only frown more "Leave my doorstep. Don't make this get nasty" he glares at him, unusual for a cheery guy to do like Antonio.

Gilen dared to take a step closer to Antonio oddly enough smirking rather than frowning when he didn't get what he want. It was as if he actually wanted this.

Antonio uncrossed his arms "I'm calling the police if you don't leave the porch" he stated shaking a little when he noticed the smirk.

Gilen only stepped closer and suddenly grabbed Antonio's arms yanking him out from the door step only to bring him tumbling down the porch steps.

Antonio gasps not having time to react and landing on his face with a grunt. He quickly scrambling up and grabbed a fistful of Gilens hair, yanking his head back and punching him full on the face.

"You're a terrible person, you deserved that" he said as Gilen screeched in pain. He brought a come back and elbowed Antonio in the gut.

Antonio flinched and squeezed his eyes shut as he let go of Gilens hair to grasp at his gut.

Gilen snickered and shoved Antonio on to the ground, the other hitting his head on a rock as he hit the ground which knocked him out for sure.

-six hours later (back to real time)-

Antonio groans as he slowly awoke, feeling a terrible headache. He opens his eyes, his vision being blurred slightly. It took him a minute for his vision to focus, looking around and realizing it was dark. He pushes his hands around feeling a tight small confined space. It also reeked terribly. That was when he realized he was in the garbage can most likely outside his house. He pushed the top open and clambered out of the trash looking around and seeing his house. He furrows his brows his immediate thoughts going straight to about Lovino.

Was he safe..? Okay..? Did Gilen touch him..?

That was his worst thought..

He quickly hurried into the house despite the slight aching feeling in all of his body.

He searched the house mindlessly "Lovino? Lovi? Lovino?" He continued calling his name out in search for him but having not luck.

Until he came to the bathroom he'd found Lovino there, painfully tied up to the toilet, passed out without clothes on. At first his eyes widened in shock.

He tears up "L-Lovi..!!" He scrambled down on to his knees taking forever to just untie him.

Lovino had began to wake up in the process, whimpering painfully as he felt Antonio untying him. Once Antonio got him out of the knots Lovino had squirmed fearfully away from Antonio, covering himself as tears slid down his cheeks "L-leave me alone.." He whimpered.

Antonio's eyes widened "It's me Lovi.. I want to help you.. Please.. Oh god.. Lovino you're bleeding.." He whispered worried. He moved over closer but Lovino flinched and smacked Antonio straight across the face.

"I-I said leave me alone Bastard!" He yells at Antonio.

Antonio's eyes widen placing a hand on his cheek where it had been smacked. It felt warm and was guaranteed to be red now.

"L-Lovino.. I'm so sorry.. I'm so so sorry please here me out.. And please let me help you.." He whispered only to have the other weakly push him away and look away from him.

Antonio shakily stood up "I-I need take you to the hospital right away.." He said running out of the room and grabbing a blanket.

In a matter of minutes Antonio had hurried back. There he saw a sobbing and crying Lovino.

Antonio quickly wrapped Lovino up in the blanket and snatched him up as he lifted him off the ground before he could crawl away.

Despite how much Lovino struggled he was carried into Antonio's car. Antonio had managed to get him in his seatbelt and that was when Lovino gave up struggling.

He was just so weak, sad, and his whole body was in immense pain he just couldn't fight Antonio anymore.

Antonio drove Lovino to the hospital looking over at Lovino constantly to make sure he was okay. He kept telling him reassuring words telling him how much he loved him but Lovino didn't reply to anything.

Lovino kept his glazed over eyes looking outside the window to avoid seeing Antonio. The car ride had fell silent half way there other than the sniffling and small sobs heard from Lovino's mouth.

When they had arrived Antonio quickly parked, got out, and carried Lovino out of the car.

Lovino didn't say anything or struggle, being he was too exhausted to do anything other than furrow his brows, glare, and look at Antonio's chest in attempt not to meet his eyes.

Antonio could only furrow his brows in sadness as he looked at Antonio. It hurt his heart to see Lovino like this. He'd make Gilen pay eventually. He carried Lovino into the hospital room, causing all the nurses that were at the waiting desk to widen their eyes as they examined the duo.

The nurses instantly realized something was wrong and took Lovino from Antonio carrying him into a room while they had Antonio explain what happened. Unfortunately Antonio was prohibited to come into the room with them and was stuck to wait outside the waiting room.. Hoping Lovino would be okay.. And that when he could come see him the other wouldn't hate him..

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