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The next day,

a knock was heard at the door. Antonio slowly awoke with a soft yawn. He had ended up spending the night with Lovino of course not able to leave his darling prince. Antonio slowly sat up a bit in the chair he was in.

"Come in" Antonio responded since Lovino was still sleeping. He glances over at Lovino, Admiring how handsome he was with his auburn hair, to his beautiful cheeks that were dusted a light pink. And his cute little nose, eyebrows, soft looking pink lips. The only thing missing were those gorgeous hazel eyes of his.

The doctor stepped into the room, gazing at the two of them with a sophisticated but slightly curious look.

He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his slightly pointy nose, it kinda bugged Antonio. Not to mention how much gel it looked like he used to maintain that slicked back hair style. He seemed way to uptight for Antonio to handle, but he simply smiled at the doctor.

"Sorry to barge in," he stated "You must be one of his loved ones, correct?"

"Yes.. i am" Antonio says softly.

"Do you know of his parents? Or someone who can take him home? It would seem he has refused to mention the names or numbers of any parents or guardians. And I would prefer not having to dig into a bunch of information to find out who takes care of him"He says with a frown.

"I uh, Doctor! Don't worry about it really, actually He has been staying at my place with my family!" he says hurriedly. Not mentioning how his mother hasn't been home for certain reasons. He never discussed it with Lovino either and Lovino never brought it up so he didn't either.

"Ah, Okay.. If you're certain then. Will you be taking him home then?" he asks.

"Of course!" Antonio says smiling.

Lovino groans a little slowly peeking his eyes open and looking over at the doctor.

"Motherfuckrs 're being too fuckin loud.." he grumbles sleepily and rubs his eyes a bit to wake himself up more.

Antonio chuckles a little as he looks at Lovino "Hey sleepyhead" he says unfazed by the others cursing.

The doctor too was pretty unfazed by it, seeming used to it since Lovino had been here for a bit.

"So, Lovino, you're able to leave the hospital today. And everything should be good as long as you are careful, no harsh physical activities for the next couple weeks. And you'll still have some pain, though if you begin to bleed again please give me a call" he says coughing a bit "Whenever you are ready you can leave"

Lovino nodded a bit sighing once the doctor left. He left them a wheelchair as well for Lovino.

Antonio looks at Lovino with a smile "Ready to go back to my place? I promise I wont let anything happen to you, and I'll make you something special to eat" he says softly.

Lovino let out a small sigh ".... Yeah.. I guess" he murmurs looking away.

Antonio nodded a bit eagerly, glad to be trusted even just a bit. He got up and grabs the wheelchair moving it to Lovino's side.

"Okay do you need help getting into the wheelchair darling?" He asks sweetly.

To that he got a half forced groan in response "I can do it myself" he muttered.

Lovino attempted to get out of bed but this only caused him pain. He continued despite this wanting to prove that he could do it himself. He grasped ahold of the wheelchair and let out a Yelp as he felt a sharp pain just by a turn of his own movement.

Antonio rushed to his side resting his hands on his sides "Here Lovi don't hurt yourself please I can help you" he says pleadingly.

Lovino sighs and looks away "Fine.." He muttered under his breath quietly.

Antonio smiles gently at him and moved his arms to lift him up appropriately and set him down into the wheelchair carefully.

"There you go Lovi~" he says sweetly.

Lovino huffed not responding as he leaned back in the wheelchair.

Antonio wheeled him out of the hospital room and brought him into the elevator. They both waited in awkward silence as the elevator went down each level. Antonio coughed a bit and decided to speak up.

"So, Lovino, actually I've been meaning to bring up something..."

Lovino glances back at him, furrowing his brows in confusion at his oddly serious tone of voice.

Antonio checks him out at the front desk, falling silent again as he brought him out to his vehicle. He helped him into the passengers seat and buckled him up before going to the drivers side and getting in. It wasn't until he'd sat down in his seat and shut the car door that he spoke up again. All the while Lovino was entirely confused about what it was he wanted to talk about.

"So... I'm going to be eighteen in a month, and I plan to move out after graduating high school.. My.. Mom, she has alcohol problems. That's why she's rarely home.. And on the sidelines I've been looking at apartments to rent. I may have found one... I.. I want you to move in with me.. I want you to drop out of school early and I'll home school you.. I know it may cause legal issues... But I don't want you to go home to your father.. It's a horrible relationship between you two, and.. we could get a restraining order against him, don't worry about the costs either because I'm working on that as well. I know this is a lot, but ultimately its your decision. If you have any questions please ask, although I might not be able to answer all of them."

Lovino looked at Antonio shocked for a moment at his words, taking a long second to think about what was said.

"Well.... how are you going to pay for all of that? And I don't want to be a bother.." he whispered.

"I've been offered a great opportunity by a company, and I'm going to be working as an editor and journalist online. They've also given me an option to take online college classes which they'll be paying for and I agreed to it. I promise you're never a bother and you never will be." Antonio says gently, arriving at his house after a bit.

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