hide and seek - one shot :P

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i look around the list of possible servers i can join. i've never played minigames before but one of my friends reccomended a server to me so i decided to join. as i scroll down i see the server and i press the button. i feel a tingling sensation as the server loads up and i see the familliar text "Connecting To Server." i close my eyes and count to three and when i open my eyes i'm being shoved around by other players at the spawn of the server. there are loads of things in chat saying things like "OMG SKYS ON!" and "JEROME! I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN!" and the occasional "guys leave them alone they might be recording" but i just ignore them and look for the minigame my friends mentioned. eventually i see the massive logo saying 'HIDE & SEEK' so i walk up to the area and look to see what it is. i see a small area with signs and i go up to one, it has some numbers that i can't quite figure out and the word 'hotel' written on it neatly. i tap it with my hand and find myself in a colourful area full of people, including a small group of people crowding round something. i walk up to the crowd and try to get a peek at what they're crowding around, and it seems to be a small group of other players. i push past gently and i see that the people being crowded are; someone in a warrior getup with a gold amulet and sunglasses, a mudkip in a suit, a furry guy (also in a suit), and someone who looks like batman. they seem to be talking to each other but since i can't hear them they're either using skype or this place is just too noisy. i'm about the ask somebody who they are when everyone is teleported to a staircase in what i guess is a hotel. i look around and don't see any players just loads of blocks which look like disguised players. i quickly realise whats going on so i look and see that i'm disguised as a coal block so i run off to find a good hiding spot. right away i find a perfect hiding spot and sit down right in the middle of the block and wait. as i look around i see people shifting around for a few seconds before shifting right into the blocks and becoming solid. i keep looking around for a few seconds before i see a player in iron armour with a diamond sword and i catch my breath as i see that he's swinging at loads of random blocks. as he gets closer i guess he hits somebody because a block starts running away and the player starts chasing it. the player swings at the block and soon it dissapears with the message "Hider Halloplunk has been killed." i hold a deep breath as the 'seeker' comes closer and starts swinging at random blocks. i start sweating as the seeker comes closer and closer and right before he hits me i get up and start running in the opposite direction as fast as i can (which is only a bit faster than sprinting).


if you want more like this just say and i'll start writing :P

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