little random questionnare

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i was bored. this is now a partially official meme thing! you write down 20 TOTALLY RANDOM questions and anyone who reads it has to answer. also, you don't need to tag anyone if you don't want to, this is just a fun way to see what your friends like :) also, yes, you can put your answers all you writers who do this.

1: who is your favourite youtuber, and what kind of videos do they make?

2: what is your favourite console video game?

3: what is your favourite PC video game?

4: what is your favourite piece of music from a video game?

5: what is your favourite song? (it doesn't need to be by a band, it just needs to be music with or without lyrics)

6: what is your favourite Pokémon?

7: Mario Sonic or Link?

8: what are a few of your favourite characters from a TV show you like?

9: axe or sword? (i had an argument with my brother while writing this about whether axes or swords were better weapons)

10: Unleashed or Colours? (gratz if you get this!)

11: Zoethian or Skylox?

12: if you had to survive on a desert island for a week, and could only bring one thing (other than freshwater and basic food) what would you bring?

13: AK47, or bow and light arrows?

14: who is cooler, Girahim or Batman? (weirdest question ever)

15: what is the meaning of life?

16: do you know what a Gronckle is?

17: would you comfort me if i was terrified after a movie...? (Arachnophobia Dx)

18: Barbie pink, or metallic purple?

19: snakes or spiders?

20: Boiled sweets or chocolate?

BONUS QUESTION: what are the three things you want to do the most?

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