Video game design.

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So. Ages ago, i posted something called 'random CONTEST THINGY' and i still plan on doing the thing i mentioned. The only person in my family who doesn't know, happens to be the only one with the coding skills to make a video game, but I'll tell him once we have a plot.

Speaking of which, i still need a plot. You could call this a story contest or something, but honestly i don't need a full in-depth detailed thing. I just need an actual storyline. I, personally, am inspired by the game series, The Legend of Zelda. I want it to have a similar style of plot, but not a copy. If anyone could help me with that, it would be much appreciated.

I understand that it was a bit stupid to ask for characters before coming up with a plot, but knowing what the characters look like might help. Go back to the original part for all the user-submitted characters if you want to help with the plot. Its in the external link. Also, i now have TWO bad guys that i didn't design myself! :D their names are D.C (cred to Darkclaw) and Deadhead (cred to ForgottenHeck). Deadhand has a specific status as a boss, D.C doesn't have a status as anything other than a bad guy yet.

So far I've figured out that its going to be in the same style as games like ALTTP. Third person, 2D, and with low-ish pixels. That means a little less work. Also, i had a great idea for an Easter egg. I came up with a enemy which is basically a troll. And, i had an idea to add a secret room where the floor is the troll face, and the trololol music is playing. There would be a sign in the middle of the room saying 'Umad bro?'

The game is gonna be medieval style, but modern at the same time (because some characters are gonna be wearing hoodies, converse, etc.). Like a medieval fair or something. Past that, the game is mostly finished.

That's all I have to say! :P If anyone wants to help, comment on the thing in the external link with a enemy, NPC, or even a plot! Anyone who submits a character/boss/enemy/NPC etc. gets their name in the credits of the game when its finished, and anyone who helps past that will get a free copy too! Idk what kind of game its going to be, play-wise, but probably an app or something, possibly a fully fledged PC game. Once its playable at all, you can volunteer to beta test it, and believe me, that's really fun (i got to beta test a game called Adventure Rock once, and it was really fun! unfortunately, the game developers ruined it eventually, and i stopped playing).


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