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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like minecraft.

You: HAI

Stranger: hey

Stranger: whats up

You: the floor

Stranger: ok

You: i expected you to disconnect or something XD

Stranger: no not me im used to idiots just kidding




Stranger: tys foot

Stranger: I KNEW IT

You: there's a button in ty's obsidian statue

You: on his shoe

Stranger: cool

You: #tysfoot

Stranger: you watch deadlox

You: yeah

Stranger: did you know he left team crafted

You: yeah

You: i follow most of them on twitter

You: so i saw the tweet

Stranger: me to

Stranger: i was so suprised

You: me too! He was the one who founded team crafted!

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: so i have a question would you disconect if i told you i was ty

You: no, i'd just question if you were telling the truth or not, because with no webcam its hard to tell if you're the real deal or not

Stranger: ok ask me a question

Stranger: and my webcam is broken

You: i can understand that

You: uh......

Stranger: yeah thats why i dont do a lot of face cam

You: i'm to shy to do facecap

You: *facecam

You: I'm working on a mask

You: hmm....

Stranger: ok

You: how would you react if i told you I've read three fanfics where you're a jerk?

Stranger: id say they dont like my channel lol

You: People always seem to do that with you and Jason

Stranger: i dont know why

You: you two seem to be the main targets for the 'jerk's in fanfiction. I don't understand why people change your personalities.

Stranger: me either

You: my profile picture on my favourite website right now is a picture of your derp face skin O^O

Stranger: hang on adam came into my room

You: okai

Stranger: k back

You: #hotdoglox

Stranger: #piglox

Stranger: he wants me to go record with him gtg

You: okay

Stranger: nice talking to you

You: nice talking to you too

Stranger: im gonna make this video out to you whats your name\

You: charlotte

You: O_o

Stranger: this video gos out to you charlotte

You: i feel special

Stranger: yah well bye

You: bye

Stranger has disconnected.

if that wasn't him, at least i humoured them.

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