Random bit of my life

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Today, me and my little sister went up to the shops to buy two Panini's, some cheese, and some ham, for lunch (or for me, dinner). It ended up different than expected.

I had mentioned during the walk that she had turned down my dad's offer to bring us both to the café at the shops. After she had turned the offer down, he had given me a five pound note. Emily also had a ten pound note and loads of coins (mostly 1 and 2 Pence pieces). When we got to the shops, she walked up to the café and asked if we could go and check the prices. I reluctantly agreed, and instantly felt weird when walking in.

The things we each got were £4.20, which is a great price for a large portion of chips, egg, bacon, and mushrooms/beans. Emily got the beans and i got the mushrooms (which were amazing, by the way). The portions were massive, and we left with full bellies, having paid the full price :D

We also went to the newsagents and i got Millions and Emily got some penny sweets..

And my sister also bought a box of choc-chip muffins for a pound :3

That was my awesome day XD

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