so, this is what i think of these youtubers.

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If i hadn't discovered Wattpad, i would have found it stalkerish that i know all the things i'm about to say. so in no particular order, here are some random things I've noticed about youtubers that you probably already know:

MinecraftUniverse tends to say 'don't worry about it' a lot, and uses mild swears in replacement for harsher ones, making his videos a lot more kid friendly.

Deadlox has a soft yet heavy voice, and will often stutter the word no when he gets punched off an edge during parkour. honestly, i think he sounds like he's talking through a thin layer of fabric or something because he's a bit quiet.

Skydoesminecraft goes deeper into a subject than he intends when he brings something up, and will happily make anything into a joke, hence #tysfoot.

Huskymudkipz gets irritated easily-especially when someone stretches a joke, and he likes to be a little bit jazzy by saying 'movie magic' when he uses a jump-cut in his pixelmon series.

SSundee says yes and no a lot, and has probably spent a lot of money on his jailbreak series.

Bajancanadian and JeromeASF take jokes and phrases too far, and tend to make them nonsensical. in my opinion, they're annoying -_- the only videos of theirs i still watch are hunger games and pixelmon, and i only watch pixelmon so i know what husky is up against.


now for other youtubers.

when it comes to TheAtlanticCraft, i think they purposely get on each other's nerves to make their episodes last longer, and it works.

Vintagebeef can make longer videos less boring, and whatever he plays, he somehow manages to do interesting commentary over it, making them fun to watch, and one of the few youtubers whose videos i'll happily watch full screen all the way through.

WillcraftAnimations quite obviously makes animations, but his Monster School videos are well worth watching, and even though he uses Mineimator, his Endventures series is awesome! especially since he added voices (the endermaster's voice is awesome! in fact, i'm going to go watch that video again)

Cavemanfilms has actually stated that his channel is kid friendly, and i find that awesome! he makes an effort to make his videos safe for children to watch, and still entertaining for older viewers, and he's good at it!

Antvenom has obviously been shoved out of the spotlight a bit, considering he reached one million before sky, and since then has been losing popularity a bit. but he's still a great youtuber, and to be honest, when i was browsing through youtube for minecraft videos, at one point i would only watch his videos, which is what led me to Cave and Sky!

Ihascupquake is awesome! she's a great role model for girls, and she makes a great change from all the male youtubers taking over the earth (xP)

ThnxCya does great commentary, and covers his panic with a laugh in his awesome hexxit series. his mod showcases are informative and like a lot of youtubers, he's a bit clueless sometimes, but that just adds to his charm! #TeamTC! :D

Setosorcerer has a sort of childish charm that makes his videos more entertaining. He does a incredibly accurate and rather funny Yoshi impression, and he's great at explaining little details!

Craftedmovie do amazing skits and their bloopers videos are hilarious! i always enjoy the antics of Salted, Bouledeneige, and Grian, whether in a planned out video or just watching those little mistakes they made. also, Salted Is a Bich. xD no, but that's the funniest part about them, especially the fact that Boule and Grian try so hard to get that into the videos! #Grianisanoob :3

ZexyZek is really funny. i subscribed to him because of his Trolling videos, and they're always entertaining, although probably not very funny for the victim. my favourite of his videos will always be 'diamond axes + red water' simply because of how much of a total newbie rainbowdashy was!


tiem for some yogscasters.

Simon doesn't really need to try hard to be funny, all he needs to do is make some sort of noise or impression, and he sets me off. He's even funnier when they use facecam in their videos (example; in 'The Staircase' at the end, he screams at a pig, and looks like an utter loon.)

Lewis always tries to rationalise every situation, and take control. its a bit like my brother, but Lewis tries to be a leader, while david just shoves everyone else out of the way and does everything himself. Being the rational, sensible one, he's even funnier when something happens (oh, you know, the standard.. wheels falling from the sky and attaching themselves to the truck..)

Duncan is that odd mix between mature and immature. if anyone has watched the livestream/livestream highlights where he goes mad, you'll know what i mean.

Sjin is an awesome builder for a start. he's recreating ducking EREBOR from the hobbit! how is that NOT awesome? :P he's also got that sort of voice that's perfect for just listening to. quiet and soft. and for anyone who's watched blackrock, you'll know that even when he's trying to seem like a bad guy, he still just looks silly.

Sips.. is a magnificent bastard. excuse my language, but he is. the only series of his that I've actually kept up WAS Don't Starve, but he ended it ;( he's still really funny.. and then comes garry's mod. just.. bathtime with sips. tis all you need to know.

Rythian is just awesome. i subbed to him ages ago, and even though i don't watch every single video of his, i still enjoy his videos. i actually cracked up when i saw him play pac man!

Zoey is awesome. is there any other word to describe her? she's funny, artistic, and crazy in that really fun way to watch!


so that is what i think of those youtubers! :D

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