Drawn To Life: The Next Chapter (roleplay) ((Watersong))

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if you need an explanation, here is the basic rundown.

In the game, you basically play as 'the creator' who is basically god. your world is a world that you drew using a book called 'the book of life'. the main beings in the game are 'Raposa' which are fox-like beings. in the game, the bad-guy is a raposa called wilfre who turned evil and basically looks like a black blob of shadow. in the first game, you have to get all the torn-out pages from the book of life, using a hero which you made using a mannequin. in the second game, which is the one we're doing, wilfre returns and tries to steal all the colour from the world, and you need to use a second, more complex hero, to get it back. there are three main areas: Watersong, Lavasteam, and DOT ROT POT USF (also known as Galactic Jungle) (also, i'll link the wiki in the external link, okay?)

Watersong is a beautiful city, similar to venice, where song is the main beauty of the city. the mayor of the city has a voice that can be passed on by the generations, becoming perfected by the years. if a mayor passes on the voice, they die, but they leave the voice to their child. the current mayor is Rose.

for this roleplay, you're going to all create your own heroes and basically just mess around. if you want to talk to any raposa, i can do the lines, and i can take them straight from the games if you want. anyway, here is the form:

Appearance: (add anything, even cat ears :3)

Clothing: (literally ANYTHING)

what your slasher (sword) looks like:

what your shooter (gun) looks like:

what your slinger (basically acts like a yo-yo) looks like:

spider form: (you can walk up walls and shoot webs. the default is a robot spider thing)

blob form: (big blobby thing that can squeeze through small holes)

SHO DATS ALL. have fun! note: i probably won't be doing much roleplaying myself because i stink at roleplay.

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