Omegle: End/Nether romance ;)

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like minecraft.

You: hey there

Stranger: Hello ^.^

You: ^-^

Stranger: Who are you?

You: _^_

You: i

You: am

You: YOU

Stranger: Huh? Woah!

You: XD

You: i like to eat wierd

Stranger: Well then, I'm a magma cube ^.^


You: i'm a enderman

You: :)

Stranger: ^.^

You: OTHER DIMENSIONAL MOBS!! my friend is a pig.. literaly

Stranger: Woah... Mines a sheep!

You: introductions? i'm Faeron, ender princess :)

Stranger: My name is ember, a male magma cube

You: cool!

Stranger: Thanks ^.^

You: the enderdragon hasn't opened the ender portal yet so things like this is the only way for me to communicate with other mobs -_-*

Stranger: Awwww :(

Stranger: But Steve can get to the end?

You: once the portal is open i can probably go to the overworld and the nether too

You: yeah..

Stranger: Not fair!

You: steve has to defeat the enderdragon to get home, but what he doesn't know is that there's an island further away from the spawn island where all the endermen live, along with the actual exit portal.

Stranger: I didn't know that :0

You: i would be able to teleport out like other endermen, but having royal blood means i can only teleport short distances, and not through dimensione >_< not fun

Stranger: I hate him because he's so cruel to us all

You: *dimensions

Stranger: Awwww :(

Stranger: Maybe I can get to the end

You: well, steve isn't the ONLY person.. i saw a different person on the spawn island the other day..

Stranger: Wait what, 0.0

You: i know, are people spawning with different looks now? o.o

Stranger: Maybe

You: it was a guy for sure, he had a ponytail though..

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