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this is your garden. pretty normal right?

look a little closer.

that dried leaf you steeped on used to be a carriage.

that moth you shooed away? it was a pet.

remember the hollow acorn you found once? it held paint for butterflies and moths.

remember the day you saw dragonflies above your pond? they were gathering to have their wings inspected.

the little hole in the bush isn't a natural imperfection, it was crafted to make a dressing room.

its not every day you find a perfect leaf. because they need to be painted by the masters.

that thread of spiders silk you broke through? it was a tightrope.

never disturb dew droplets on a warm day. its warmer for the others and they'll need a drink.

that glimpse of silver you saw last night was a tiara in the moonlight.

that rainbow shine in the bush? a crystal earring lost and found.

magic is all around us, you just need to know where to look.

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