omegle... i can't tell if that happened

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like minecraft.

You: :P

You: hey

Stranger: Hello star.

You: how did you know?

Stranger: I always say that.

You: oh.. hahaha

Stranger: Yea, its what I call my subscribers.

You: O_O

You: O_O

You: O_O

Stranger: What?

You: nothing..

Stranger: Ok star. So what's your name? I'm Jason; MinecraftUniverse; trueMU.

You: my name is lotte, i'm fangirling inside x3

Stranger: Nice to meet you Lotte. It's always great to meet a fan.

You: *bites lip trying to say something*

Stranger: What was that?

You: bit my lip XP

Stranger: I know. What were you trying to say?

You: you are awesome

You: also, do you know how many fangirls there are out there?

Stranger: Thank you haha, and I have a rough idea.

You: take a look at this and you'll get a better idea.

Stranger: Well gosh.

You: yeah..

Stranger: Did you make it or did you just find it?

You: found it, although i did comment on it.

You: a few times.

Stranger: Haha. Fan's are great. Are you a star?

You: yup

You: i want a truemu t-shirt but i don't have it yet :P

Stranger: Ha, maybe I'll get around to signing a few.

You: o_o

Stranger: What? Bad idea?

You: no.. just a bit of a mindblow :P

Stranger: Eh... What's your username on that site?

You: CharlotteLynn

Stranger: Grrr. trueMU and minecraftuniverse are already taken.

You: XD

You: ffans..

You: :P

Stranger: Ok I got it.

You: :D

Stranger: Ok so my user on there is JasonMcUniverse.

You: Cool!

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