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If anything makes me weird, it's my perpetual love for creepy things. I get freaked out by jump scares, but I laugh afterwards. I have about 10 files in my pictures folder involving villains from video games (Mostly Ghirahim and Wilfre but there's a Ganondorf and a Majora's Mask tossed in there too), and... Wait let me count... Exactly nine files beginnings with the word 'ender'.

My favourite themes from The Legend Of Zelda series are some of the creepiest. The Ikana Canyon theme, the Shadow Temple theme, and don't you dare make me list my favourite themes from Twilight Princess.

I have creeped out my dad with a smile at one point. It wasn't quite a friendly smile. I mean, I was so tired I could probably have been deemed temporarily insane.


What, you want me to mention the fact that I smile most of the way through halloween specials and creepy countdowns? Well too bad, I'm not gonn- Oh wait...

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