interesting facts about my life

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i have NO CLUE why i'm about to do this, but WHATEVER. I wanted to share a few facts and I might be a bit dizzy from exhaustion fumes from the car... ANYWAY, lets do this.

I have a diploma in kitchen/cooking health-and-safety which i earned through an online college course.

I had a boyfriend when i was 7 O_o I also think he was the first person to break my heart but I'm not gonna say who he is just in case he reads this.

Years ago, I had to have an operation to plug up an extra vein in my heart that was pumping blood backwards. It meant my heart had to work twice as hard to get enough blood around my body. This meant that i had problems doing anything to do with exercise (which was a problem because back then, i was a monkey). Its all fixed now, thanks to the operation ^_^

I have always been a bit of a midget. Apparently my body has a problem creating thyroxin, or something. This means i need to take a pill called levothyroxine once a day. Not sure how this is helping me grow, but its giving me a reason to wake up early :P

I don't go to school. Shock, horror! I was taken out when i was five or something. I can't quite remember why, but i'm glad. I'm not really the kind of person to deal with having to go to school every day. I do remember an annoying kid called Nathan who always called me a baby because i had to wear nappies (don't judge).

And, finally, i have a love for making jewellery. I'm not kidding, i love to bead necklaces. i actually have a pot of beads sitting next to me that i have yet to string onto a necklace xP

That was a few random facts about me and my life! If you managed to read this far, congratulations!

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