Joke wakeup scene (only partially cliché.)

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"You have ten seconds to deactivate this alarm. 10. 9. 8. 7-" I roll over and brush the laser gun to the side, pressing the button. I really hate my alarm sometimes. I mean, I've been seconds away from a pain in the buttocks about 80 times now. No biggie, I mean, it's totally normal right?

I roll out of bed, landing on my worn but comfortable fish shaped carpet. "Ow" I say, lifting my head up and rubbing my nose. I climb up and grab a T-shirt and pair of leggings, quickly slipping them on and running to the bathroom. I stare into my reflection at my blue, slightly glowing eyes, and my un-brushed black hair. I run a hairbrush through it a few times and it eventually smooths out, so I pop out of the bathroom and start walking downstairs, the glorious smell of bacon hitting my nostrils on the way down. Did I mention i love bacon?

I run down the stairs, almost slipping in my haste, rushing into the kitchen where my mother is making the bacon. BACCONNNN

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