this kid REALLY wants a minecon cape..

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like minecraft.

You: hey there

Stranger: Do you have an extra Minecon cape?

You: yes

Stranger: ok

Stranger: I'll trade you my alt MC account

Stranger: for it

Stranger: sound like a deal?

You: -_-

Stranger: what?

You: this is the 3rd time I've encountered you

You: just go away PLEASE

Stranger: I really want a Minecon cape though

You: if you want a minecon cape GO TO FORKING MINECON

Stranger: I don't have the money

Stranger: I saved enough money for THIS YEAR

Stranger: cause it was in America

Stranger: but the tickets sold out

Stranger: before I could get one

You: sad.. keep saving up and you could get plane tickets!

Stranger: Plane tickets are expensive

Stranger: plus I have a fear of planes

You: then you could get next years minecon cape wherever it is!

You: oh

You: ferry?

Stranger: I get seasick

Stranger: badly

You: are you making excuses?

Stranger: No

Stranger: I have these problems

Stranger: I swear

You: did you know that its proven that counselling is easier through the internet?

Stranger: I tried

You: hmm...

Stranger: It does not help me

Stranger: i've tried multiple times

You: maybe it'll be in America next year too?

Stranger: I doubt it will be

Stranger: by the time its back here Minecraft will be dead

You: DON'T SAY THAT!! i'm just looking forward to the day minecon is in England..

Stranger: It might be there next eyar

You: maybe..

Stranger: but It won't be back in America for a long time

You: it was in Disneyland last year..

You: calm down anyway. maybe someone from Mojang will randomly be on Omegle and they'll give you one!

Stranger: 0%

You: actually its a 7% chance.

Stranger: why

Stranger: Since when is Mojang on Omegle

You: *shrugs*

Stranger: ;w;

You: just send them an email, maybe they'll have sympathy

Stranger: I tried

Stranger: 2 weeks ago

You: keep trying?

Stranger: they won't answer

You: *sigh* maybe one day you'll get a minecon cape..

Stranger: I doubt that to


You: its not like it affects your minecraft anyway!

You: its just a few extra pixels!

Stranger: I know

Stranger: but I've always like the little things in life

Stranger: to make me feel special

Stranger: and less idiotic

You: uhh... when i see what the cape looks like i can put it on a skin for you?

Stranger: well

Stranger: after you put the cape on your account

Stranger: you can't put it on a different account

You: i meant i could make a skin that had the cape textured onto it

Stranger: well

Stranger: it would be less special

Stranger: it 100% ruins the value

You: yeah... but i'm probably never going to get a minecon cape anyway

You: so i won't have one either

Stranger: but you said you had an extra one

You: that was a lie to see what would turn out. sorry, you must be really desperate

Stranger: kind of

You: hm?

Stranger: I really want a cape

You: :(

Stranger has disconnected.

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