Rambling about pokemon

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I remember a while ago, before I lost my copy of Pokémon Diamond, my brother was breeding gyrados and catching magikarp. For no reason. This was way before either of us knew about EV or IV training, or even that you could get shiny pokemon by breeding. He was breeding gyrados for no reason other than the fact that he wanted to.

Also a week or so ago, I realised that if i put a decent level gyrados on my team, I would be able to get past Bertha with less difficulty. Since it being a flying type means it's immune to ground type moves, it could be a valuable addition to a team. I told my brother this when I realised it, and he blanked for a minute before saying;

"Why didn't I think of that? I was breeding gyrados for no reason!"

Now where the heck is my game? I feel like playing some Pokémon.

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