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yup. its what it says.

so, i had an idea. i want to make a video game! there are a few aspects to making a video game (amateur or not) and i need a BIT of help ;)






decent characters

and so on. sooo.. i need ideas! if i'm going to PROPERLY make a game, i need ALL of those. soooo... I'M HOLDING A CONTEST-THING TO COME UP WITH A UNIQUE STORYLINE FOR THE GAME!! i know that nobody is going to enter so i'm not making a whole new book/thing for it. BUT i might make one that tells everyone how the game is coming along. also...

CHARACTER CONTEST!! i'm holding a SLIGHT contest to come up with characters for the game! here's what you need to fill out, and REMEMBER! fill it out as PRECISE as you can, and put in as much detail as possible, because if it gets picked its going to get turned into a sprite (you know what i mean) and its going to need a lot of detail. so fill out this form as precisely as possible:


age: (about 10 to 16 :P)

appearance: (eye colour, skin colour, hair colour/length/style)


NPC or playable character: (i can accept 4 playable characters and 4 enemies, but i'll happily take more)

if NPC then what rank:

if playable character then what skill:



if you have an idea for a boss/enemy then add it :)

as you can see, i will be accepting 8 characters, and i'm leaving that for AFTER the story part, so you have PLENTY of time to enter.

also, if anyone wants to help with the story or graphics just ask, and if the video game gets actually made/makes any money, you'll get a share of it! :D

so that's about it, hope everyone who sees this takes time to enter, because the more people give support the more dedicated i'll be to this and the more likely it'll be completed! :D


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