Fix You

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"Lights will guide you home
and ignite your bones
and I will try
to fix you"

-Coldplay, Fix You


"Y/N! Get out here!!" Nikki yells as she pounds on the door to your room.
"NO" you yell back through muffled sobs.
"Will you at least tell me what's wrong? What could possibly be wrong after your amazing boyfriend just sent you possibly the worlds cutest text ever?"
"What if I can't?"
"What are you talking about?"
"What if I can't give him back the love hat he gives me? What if I'm not good enough? What if he leaves?"
"So that's why you were so upset when he left."

You keep crying as you unlock the door for Nikki. She says nothing and just comes in and hugs you.

"Listen to me, Y/N"
"We're going to his set right now so you can see him. You love him so much and you have a sort of, emotional tether, to say"

You nod your head and grab shoes and his jacket to wear to feel his warmth.

"What set is he at today? What's he filming?" Nikki asks talking to you like you are a toddler.
"Set 16 and he's filming The First Time" you explain.
"Okay. We will be there in no time. Hey! How about we pick him something up for you to bring him when you see him?"
"I wanna get him a teddy bear" you say while wiping tears.
"Teddy bear here we come"

You two stop at Target to grab Dyl a teddy bear. It sounds stupid but it's something for him. You want it to be special.

After you pick a chestnut brown teddy bear and pay for it you guys are back out in the car.

"Ready to see him?" Nikki asks you.
"Very. I miss him more than I can explain" you explain.
"Aw. Well we're here so let's go reunite you with your love"

You almost run through the set looking for Dylan. He said just 5 minutes ago he was on break. He always texts you when he has a chance. He has no idea you're here yet.

You suddenly see him in a bright blue tee shirt and khakis. You run up to him with teddy bear in hand and jump into his arms. You bury your head into his chest as he strokes your hair while crying and laughing.

"Baby why are you crying?" you ask him with concern in your voice as you look up at him.
"God I missed you. I love you so much." He says through tears. "Who brought you?"
"Well I was having Nikki over to get my mind off of you not being there and I kind of broke down and she brought me."
"Aw babe. Don't be upset when I'm not there! I'll never be able to leave you!" Dylan says as he winks at Nikki and mouths "Thank You"
"I brought you a teddy bear" you say with a big cheesy grin. "His name is Carl and Carl will sit in your chair while your shooting your scene."
"That's perfect" he smiles and kisses your head. "But honey why-why were you crying?"

You explain to him about how your fears of him leaving you grow stronger by the day. You cry and he cuddles you close.

"I will never, ever leave you. I love you. And I won't let you go because if I let you go I'll never get the happiness back. It would be gone" he reassures you.

You sob so hard that you see he needs to change his shirt and you giggle. The director comes over and whispers something in Dylan's ear that you can't hear.

"Hey Y/N?"
"Yeah Dyl?"
"So the director told me something."
"Remember I told you I'm getting that two month break next week?"
"Well that's gonna start now. And I'm gonna take you on vacation. And we're gonna have a great time. Just me, you, and Carl" he smiles his big goofy smile.
"Really?!" you scream excitedly.
"Yes!" he lifts you up and carries you over to the chair where Nikki is.
"Nikki. Me and Y/N are gonna go on a trip for a while." Dyl explains.
"Oh my god! This is what you guys need! I'm so happy!! Send pics!!" Nikki excitedly exclaims.
"I'll miss you Nikki!" you yell as you jump into her arms.
"I'll miss you even more! But you need this and you have to have fun with Dylan!!!" Nikki screams back at you.
Dylan grabs your arm and says "How about we go pack our bags now and head out as soon as we're done babe?"
"Perfect. Bye everyone!!" you yell to half the people you don't even know.
"Yeah Y/N? Are you having second thoughts?"
"No! No, never. I was just saying, thank you. You saved me. From depression. I've never been happier." you shoot him a whole hearted smile and snuggle up next to him as you walk.
"I love you so much." he says to you as he strokes your hair. "I promise to always be there for you. I will get you through any problem I can. Promise."

You smile at him and kiss his cheek as you get into his car. As you're on the way home, he won't tell you where you're going to be going later but just keeps smiling and squeezing your hand.

You pull into the apartment complex parking lot. You almost fall from running up the stairs so fast to get ready.

"Hey Dyl how long are we going for?"  you yell after him.
"Plan for 3 weeks!" he yells just as loud back to you.

You rush into the room and pull out your suitcase that Dylan got you when you guys first went to NYC together. You pack all the essentials-underwear, bras, socks, tee shirts, shorts, sweats, pjs, leggings, sweaters-but have an odd feeling you won't really be wearing those clothes a lot...

Dylan is just getting into he room, because he didn't want to run after being sore from filming, when you finish packing.
"Well Speedy Gonzales" Dyl laughs as he's out of breath.
"Funny you are" you say as you giggle after him. "Get packed because I'm ready!!"

You do a quick check of everything to make sure you have all of the stuff you need.

Dylan comes out looking flustered and you're ready to go!

You guys head back down the stairs while Dylan is holding your bags and you're out to the car within ten minutes. Problems with living on the 18th floor and not having a working elevator....

You guys get in the car and immediately you start feverishly kissing him as a way to say thank you.

"Wow" Dylan says with a chuckle.
"Love you. A lot." you make sure he knows this everyday.

And with that you turn on a Spotify playlist and you're off.


Hey guys!! This was a fun chapter to write and they're gonna get even better! For some odd reason I always like to make sure all my imagine parts have over 1000 words... idk

so the Spotify playlist they are playing is mine and it's called "feel good and feel free" just because it's songs I listen to in any mood I'm in and I love them all a lot. so here's the link(idk if it will work)-

so yeah! see ya later!!

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