texting buddies

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"Stuart!" Neha yells.

"Wh-What?" Stuart jumps up from is permanent seat on the couch where he's been sitting on his phone for the last hour.

"Get off the damn phone and work with us! What are you even doing? Texting someone? You have quite the smile on your face when you look at your phone"

"Erm uhhhh"

"Tell me."

"It's my girlfriend, Y/N."

"Wait what?! You snarky son of a bitch have a girlfriend?!"

"Yeah. She's amazing."

"Awww. How long has it been since you've seen her?"

"Six months. I've been here in California while she's in New York at NYU finishing up her last year of college. It's different because I graduated early."

"Aw! You need to go see her!"

"I miss her really badly."

"Why don't you take the week off for this challenge?"

"Wait. What?"

"We're all going to pitch in and get you a plane ticket to New York to see your girl."

"Guys you don't ha-"

"Yes we do. Now go pack!"

Stuart jumps up and down with excitement and gives everyone his thanks and basically runs out of Google.

He gets back to his apartment and grabs a suitcase and everything he needs when he hears a knock at the door.

"Coming!" Stuart yells while shoving clothes into the suitcase.

Stuart opens the door to see Billy, Nick, Neha and Lyle.

"Hey guys..?!" Stuart says with confusion.

"We got your plane ticket! You better hurry because it takes off at 7 and its 3:30 right now and you have to be there early!" Neha basically screams.

"Thank you guys. I really appreciate it. Keep working hard!" Stuart says with tears stinging his eyes and pulls them all into a hug.

They all leave and Stuart goes back to packing.

When he's all done, he grabs his suitcase and soon enough he's hopping in his car.

*Time skip to boarding the plane*

Stuart had been reading magazines and Facebook posts for the last 2 hours and was eager to get on the plane.

He finds himself sitting next to a girl who falls asleep awkwardly half way through the 6 hour ride.

He watches a movie on his laptop that he laughs to himself about. It's Y/N's favorite comedy, Mean Girls. Isn't it everyones?

He falls asleep after the movie but is woken with a jolt, signaling the landing of the plane.

Stuart gets off the plane and goes to baggage claim. He finds his bag and calls an Über.

He gets in the car and tells the address to the kind gentleman driving him.

And then it hits him.

What is he going to say? Did she hook up with someone else? Would she even be happy to see him?

The thoughts go through his mind so much that he doesn't even realize they've reached her small studio apartment.

"Thank you sir. Here's your pay and have a great night and day." Stuart speaks up to the driver.

He retrieves his bags from the trunk and takes a breath in.

He's ready.

Stuart slowly walks up the steps and goes into the building, feeling familiar.

He finds the elevator and hits floor 14.

He hums along with the elevator music waiting for time to pass.

The doors ding and he inhales and walks down until he finds 14C.

He hears nothing but it's also about 2:00 in the morning. Stuart decides to knock on the door slowly and not too loud. He wouldn't want to scare her. Would she think he's a robber? Oh god would that be terrible.

He still hears nothing and knocks again a bit louder. He hears shuffling around when a familiar voice yells "I'm coming! One second!"

The click signals the door unlocking. The door slowly opens as the same voice speaks up.

"Who is it?"

"Open the door Y/N" Stuart asks.

"How do I know you're not a serial killer?"

"Just open the door."


The door opens a bit more and Stuart sees Y/N's makeup free, gorgeous face.

"Stuart" Y/N exclaims with awe.

"Y/N." Stuart keeps staring at her, deciding whether tis is real or not.

"Stuart!" Y/N opens the door all the way and jumps into Stuart's arms.

"I missed you so much. I couldn't not be with you anymore."

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"Well I didn't know I was coming, really. Can I explain it inside? My bags are heavy."

"Of course. Come on!"

She grabbed his hands and dragged him into the apartment. He sees the almost exact same layout as before but somethings off. He notices one of the room doors is closed. She always keeps all doors open because of paranoia.

"Babe, why is that door closed?" Stuart asks before pecking a kiss on Y/N's lips.

"Well I kind of have a surprise for you." she says with a nervous grin.

"Okay... Now I'm scared."

"I'm going to let you put your bags away and change into like sweats or something. Come back right here when you're done."

"Okay sweets"

Stuart places his bags on the bed and goes into one of the drawers to grab some sweat pants and a light tee shirt. He forgot to pack some because he was going so fast back in California.

"Okay. I'm ready." Stuart yells out to Y/N.

"Okay. Follow me and close your eyes." she directs.


Stuart feels her tugging him towards the door and as much as he wants to peak, he doesn't.

The door slowly opens and they step inside, he notices, because instead of the hardwood, there is carpet.

"Open your eyes Stuart" she gives a pat on his back.

Stuart opens his eyes but it takes a moment for his vision to clear.

He sees light pink walls.

Silver dresser.

There's a soft smell of a powder but he can't figure it out.

"Y/N-" Stuart starts.

"You're going to be a dad." she grins up at him with a hand on her stomach.

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