requests are open!!

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^^that pic is me at this point in the semester

okay so since i don't have much inspiration, im opening requests!!

so just comment on this story with the following information


appearance: (hair, eyes, all that jazz)

one word to describe your personality:

hobbies (besides dylan o'brien) (im so funny HAHAHAH):

anything else you wanna add like who you want the imagine to be with ex. dyl, stiles, thomas, stuart, dave

here's an example form:

red hair, brown eyes, more freckles than the stars in the sky

hilarious (don't lie you know im funny)

i do theater because i don't sport

idk dylan why not

so yeah have a nice day adios amigos

xoxox romy

»DYLAN O'BRIEN IMAGINES«Where stories live. Discover now