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Thomas' POV

I put y/n to bed as she was getting tired. I love y/n more than you could imagine. She's my best friend. She's still pretty new and has only been here for two weeks but I feel like I've known her forever. Every guy in here has a huge crush on her, including yours truly. But Gally is kinda obsessed. He's scared to admit it but he definitely is. He does everything for her and sometimes gets a bit strange around her, ya know. I fall asleep to the sounds of memories playing back in my head.

Me and y/n are in a building. Like a doctors office. We are taken into different rooms. She doesn't come back.

It's early in the morning but I wake up later than the others. There's a lot of ruckus going on outside.

I step out into the light and saw everyone in the whole Glade surrounding someone.

I run over to see what's happening and I see it's y/n being surrounded. What's happening?

"Newt! What's happening?" I yell.

"It's an auction, mate. They're bidding for her!" Newt yells back. He's the only guy who doesn't have feelings like that for y/n. Newts a good guy. He's a good friend.

"Thomas!" I hear y/n yell.

I race to her and push past everyone.

"Are you okay? What is this?" I heave out.

"They're trying to figure out who can 'get with me'" she whimpers out.

"Okay guys. How messed up are you? Leave her alone!" I yell into the crowd.

Gally steps up and takes a swing at me. He knocks me to the ground as he yells down at me "Maybe you should mind your own business shank"

He goes up to y/n and grabs her and runs, dragging her on the ground.

"Y/n!" I yell, picking myself up and running after her.

He heads towards the maze. If he takes her in there, there's no guarantee she'll come out alive.

Using my runner skills, I run to her as fast as I can, sprinting harder than I ever have. I'm so close to her that I can hear her softly crying.

I run up in front of him and use all my force to stop him. He trips over a rock, sending y/n to the ground even harder.

I help her up and ask her if she's okay.

"Roughed up at the edges but I'm great now" she smiles up at me.

"Why so?" I smirk.

"Because I'm in the arms of someone I truly love" she whispers as she presses her lips into mine.

She's my girl.

So this is how you know Ive run out of chapter names "jelly" I NAMED A CHAPTER JELLY. WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME. ok but anyways I was in the mood to write about tommy so I hope y'all like!!

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