Sky Full of Stars

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"Cause you're a sky
Cause you're a sky full of stars
I wanna die in your arms, arms
Cause you get lighter the more it gets dark
I'm gonna give you my heart."
-Sky Full of Stars, Coldplay


It was about two hours.

They ran IVs through your arm.

They had you on a oxygen tank.

You overall did not look good.

Dylan was worried sick.

He refused for about an hour to have any tests done on him until he got an update on you.

When they told him all the medicines they were giving you, he finally agreed.

There was nothing wrong with him, just some emotional trauma and they had to check his sensitive ears.

They were fine.

He was finally allowed to see you.

He ran into the room where you were laying there. Unconscious. He grabbed your hand and the tears fell again. He couldn't even say anything. He pulled over a close by seat so he didn't have to let go of your hand.

That's when Tyler came.

"Hey bro. How is she?" Tyler asks while he pats Dylan on the back and takes a seat on the couch next to him.

"Her breathing is obviously not good. Her heart stops on and off. They have all these IVs going through her. I don't know man. What if she's not okay? What will I do then?" Dylan anticipates.

"She's strong. She's going to get better. I promise you."

"It's all that stupid Britt's fault!" Dylan stands up suddenly screaming.

But not letting go of your hand.

"Dylan come on, sit down." Tyler grabs him again.

Dylan inhales a sharp breath and sighs it out. "I was going to-I was going to do it at the cabin." Dylan pulls out a small box from one of the bags.

"Wait-really man?" Tyler says more excited, jumping up and down like a little puppy.

"Yeah. I was gonna take her on the back porch. We were gonna look at the wilderness around us. We were gonna hold hands. I was gonna untie my shoe when she wasn't looking. I was gonna ask her for help up, because I would be still sore from filming-"

"Just filming?" Tyler adds with a chuckle and a raise of an eyebrow.

"My god Tyler! Okay so, I was gonna ask for help up. The ring would be in the hand she grabs. I would ask her then. We'd kiss and I'd tell her I love her more than Stiles loves Lydia. Because she ships them more than life. It would've been, perfect." Dylan tears up.

"Aw bro! Don't forget that there will be another time. It could be when she wakes up! And I know her reaction will never change. However you do it I know her answer. She will say yes. I promise to you"

"But what if she's mad? What if she never wants to see me again?"

"We don't do 'what ifs'" Tyler says with a concerned look.

"I love her too much to lose her." Dylan pouts. "Wanna visit me in the asylum if she dies? That's where I'll be! I'll send the address too!"

"Don't think like that."


"You sit here. I'm gonna sit with you. We can watch a movie or just talk. I will make sure you are not upset. I won't have that. Because when she sees you, she needs to see someone happy to see her. There can be happy tears. No sad tears."

Dylan nods his head and smiles through the pain.

A nurse walks in just asking the two if they need anything.

Hours pass.

Nothing happens.

"Hey T-Pose?" Dylan says.

"What's up" Tyler cocks his head up.

"Do you mind if I just take a quick nap? I'm super tired from not sleeping a lot."

"Hey, hey go ahead. I'll let you know if anything happens."

"Thanks man"

And with that, Dylan floated off to sleep with tears still burning his eyes.

He had dreams of horrible things.

Someone in a mask took her. Dylan screamed after her. But his voice was inaudible. He ran to get her but his legs never moved. He didn't know how long he could take this any more. His whole world felt like it was shaking, like he was in the eye of the hurricane.

sorry this is so short omg!! Forgive me lord I have sinned

The next one will be long so yeah

gotta blast

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