Tear In My Heart

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"She's a tear in my heart
I'm alive"
-TØP, Tear In My Heart
What he thought was a hurricane in his dream, was Tyler vigorously shaking Dylan awake.

"Hey bro, wake up! They have news!" Tyler resumes shaking.

"My god Tyler how subtle you are"

"Dude they have news about her!"

It took Dylan a minute to find out where he was.

It popped in his head the fact that he was in the hospital waiting for his supposed-to-be fiancée to wake up from a coma after his Ex shot her.


That sounds accurate.

"Okay Tyler what?"

"Her heart rate is back to normal. She doesn't need he breathing tube anymore. But later she's going into surgery. So at some point you're going to have to let go of her hand."

Dylan realized he was still holding her hand. Through his sleep. Through his dream. Her hand was soft. Like always.

He stood up to really look at her.

No breathing tube. Check.

Not as many IVs. Check.

Heart machine? Beeping regularly. Check.

"When did they say she'd wake up?" Dylan asked not looking back.

"After surgery."


"She's gonna be okay. I promise."

Dylan took deep breaths to calm himself.

Everyone sat there for about an hour.

Then the nurse came in to take you to surgery.

"Sir I'm going to take her to surgery. I promise to you she will be all better soon" the nurse reassured.

Dylan just nodded as he kissed your hand before letting go.

He sat and stared at the ceiling for an hour.


About the love of his life.

It was 10 o'clock at night. Her surgery would be over soon.

After about a half hour of silence and mindless thinking, the nurse came back.

With a smiling girl standing next to her.

"Y/N! Baby you're okay!" Dylan stood up with a start and ran to you.

"Yeah, yeah I am" you smiled softly while really trying to not scream with excitement.

"Don't do that ever again" Dylan said while embracing you in a hug.

"I'll try, trust me" you giggle.

You both stand there in a hug for awhile getting used to each other's bodies.

Tyler still just sits there awkwardly before saying "Well nice to see you too, Y/N" with a sarcastic grin.

"Oh my god Tyler!! I haven't seen you in forever!" you run into his arms as well as a greeting.

"I'm glad your okay" he says as he rubs your back.

"How's Crystal?"

"She's doing great. She was worried about you. I'll be happy to tell her you're okay."

Dylan walks over and joins into the hug so you're all together.

While your head is tucked into Dylan's chest, Dylan nods to Tyler. All Tyler does is give a confirming nod back.

They both pull away when Dylan starts talking.

"Okay so Y/N. This was supposed to be when we were at the cabin having a wonderful time and such but well, you know." Dylan blushes. "But after being with you for almost, I don't know, four years? I have had so many memories with you. We've grown together. We've found ourselves in each other. I found the only thing in my world that actually matters. I found the only thing holding everything together. And that is why, today, Y/N Y/L/N, I am asking you to stay with me forever and be by my side forever. I'm asking for you to marry me." Dylan finishes with tears in his eyes.

You don't say anything for a minute or two.

You just stand there in shock.

Until you nod slowly and you cry while smiling like a four year old.

"No, no, don't cry! I love you." Dylan says with a big goofy grin.

so that's the end of this imagine how cheesy of me.

this imagine really sucks ahahah


well im gonna start making shorter ones so yeah 👋<3

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