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"I never meant to start a war
      you know I never wanna hurt you
don't even know what we're fighting for
      why does love always feel like
                    a battlefield
                   a battlefield
                   a battlefield
     why does love always feel like
                   a battlefield
                  a battlefield
                  a battlefield

I guess you better go and get your                   armor"
     -Battlefield, Jordin Sparks


"If he really thinks he's gonna be able to get through to me and we will be all lovey dovey in no time-he's wrong. I spent all my time thinking about him. I cried for him. I dreamed about a future together. Will we even have one now? Or will he go back with this Britt chick? He's been down there throwing things for a while now. I heard her bring her suitcase in. Will I seriously have to listen to them have sex on this bed tonight? Oh my god I'm gonna die! Nikki what do I do?! Help!!" You had explained everything to Nikki. You had to call her. She is your best friend.

"Breathe. I know that's not the answer you want but if you get yourself all worked up, you're gonna lose it. Also, leave the bathroom. Even if it means walking in on a make out sesh. You are strong. Even without Dylan. Show him what you are made of! Show her what you are made of. So now, do the two things I told you. And... DON'T CRY" Nikki yelled into the phone almost breaking your ear drum.

"God I hate you and love you, you little-"

"GO" Nikki yells in your phone causing you to have a minor heart attack.

But you know she's right. So you grab your charger and phone. You stand up, fix your hair, and smile. You're makeup is still a mess but you don't care. You unlock the door and you walk out into the room. You put your charger down and put your phone in your back pocket.

You turn into the hallway to walk downstairs. You hesitate, but you grab the railing and you walk. With your head high. Trying to make it seem like you're better than them.

They don't notice you at first. They were both sitting on opposite ends of the room.

Then Dylan turns his head at the sound of footsteps.

"Oh my god Y/N-" Dylan quickly stands up and runs over to you.

"No" you say with power as you put your hand on his oh, so familiar chest.

"Can I explain?"

"Not sure that'd help sweetie" you add a touch of sarcasm to make a point.

"This was supposed to be three weeks of us. It can't be us if one is not gonna cooperate."

"That sucks now doesn't it? But I'm not completely sure which one of us is the one not cooperating" you say with a sassy eyebrow raise.

"Well you've left me speechless yet again Y/N"

"I try for you." you call with a smirk as you head to the kitchen because you're starving. "Ya know what Dylan? Go ahead. Explain to me. Tell me what happened. Tell me your side of this really messed up story."

"Well Y/N, I will. Because I'll do anything to win you back."

"Have fun with that"

"Britt and I dated for two years."


"We were on set once together. She was kinda all over me."
"We started dating just a few weeks later. I-I-I did love her. But not as much as you. At all." he stops for a minute as of thinking of what to make up.

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