one too many times, stilinski

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"Stiles, baby you're going to be okay. Okay? I need you to breathe. Be happy that they are letting me be with you in Eichen. Honey no one else is allowed to do that. I know you're not okay right now but we're all here to help you babe." I was trying to calm Stiles down from another panic attack.

My poor baby.

Stiles has to be put into a mental institution. It's heartbreaking. He sees things. He has too many nightmares. Somethings inside him, that isn't him.

Stiles refused to go into Eichen House if I couldn't come with him. He needs someone there for his nightmares and as far as I know, I'm the only one who can do that. They finally gave up with his screaming and not listening and allowed me to come with him. I don't know what I would've done without him.

We're carrying our pillows and that's it. Eichen is very strict when it comes to personal belongings. Pillows is where they draw the line. Mr. Stilinski has been in tears since he started driving us here.

"Mr. Stilinski?" I speak up while we're waiting for an associate.

"Yes dear?" he answers with sniffles.

"I'm going to take care of him. I won't let anything bad happen to him. He's the only thing holding me together and I feel like it's the same way around. I can't and won't ruin that."

"Thank you Y/N. For everything. I know you've been through a lot also, losing both of your parents. Having no family."

"I found a family. I found Stiles."

He pulls me into a hug and I feel like I'm at home. Sheriff has always been so nice to me. Because of Stiles. But that's okay. Stiles is his world, as he is mine.

"Stilinski?" a office worker asks us, breaking the silence.

Stiles has been standing un phased by anything for a while. I walk over putting my hand on his shoulder to help him.

"Come on baby. It's time." I say in a mom-ish tone.

He nods and grabs my hand for a sort of reassurance.

We're lead to a room with clothes and shoes laid out on both beds.

"Goodbye Stiles. I love you." Sheriff grabs Stiles and snaps him out of his own little world in his head.

"I-I love you too d-dad." Stiles sobs with cracks in his voice.

When Mr. Stilinski pulls away, I grab Stiles's hand.

"Goodbye Y/N. Thank you." Sheriff says as he walks out the door with guards.

They lock our door to our room and we both sit on the bed.

"Stiles. Look at me. It's me and you against whatever's happening in your head. You're not alone my love." I pull him into a hug.

"I love you so much Y/N" he sniffles out.

We change into our gray sweatpants and neutral colored tee shirts. He still looks hot, that's for sure.

We don't say anything for a few moments and then he tells me he's tired. I tell him to lay down on his bed and get some rest. They take me to the physical unit. Even though I don't really need to be here, they want to treat me like an actual patient.

I take multiple tests to test my strengths, weaknesses, my competitive side, and my overall athleticism.

I'm heading back to the room to get Stiles up for his tests. See Stiles isn't very athletic. He plays lacrosse and may or may not be the hottest thing ever when he plays, and I think that might be the only reason Coach lets him play. Is Coach gay? If I were a guy and it came to Stiles, sign me the hell up.

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