in my veins

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I walk down the noisy, rainy streets of the city to my apartment. It's been 6 months since Garret and I broke up. We were engaged for a year and our wedding was supposed to be a few months back. But that didn't happen.

He wasn't ready.
He was stressed.
He was angry.
He was in love with another.

But that's okay. People change. I loved him a lot, and still do. But I have to respect his outlook on the relationship.

My thoughts are shaken by the buzzing of my phone.

"Hey Dyl" I smile into the phone.
"Hey Y/N" he mumbles.
"How have you been lately?"
"Uh good yeah. You?"
"Eh. Lots has happened."
"Like what?"
"Um well, I'm a single woman now" I giggle with no real happiness behind it.
"Oh my gosh Y/N! Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want to bother you."
"You're never a bother"
"Um well I gotta go. I just got to my apartment. It's really nice here on 77th street."
"Bye Y/N"

I hang up the phone and unlock the door to my apartment. I love New York and will take even the smallest apartment to just stay here.

I make myself a dinner of toast and a bagel.

After about two hours of watching old iCarly episodes, I decide to head to bed.

I sleep peacefully with the pitter patter of the rain falling outside.

I wake up to knocking at my door.

Who the hell is at my door at 4 AM in New York City while it's raining...?

I open the door and yell "If you're a serial killer nows not the best time"

"I'm not a serial killer" a familiar voice chuckles back.

"Hey dyl" I blush because of my appearance.

"Hey cutie" he laughs.

"Don't make fun of me. You know that I was sleeping" I sternly look at him but sneak a grin.

"You need someone to sleep with?"

"Dylan are you high"

"Noooooooo I'm just missin my good ole pal Y/N"

"Okay you're on something and it's probably alcohol so let's just-"

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. Darling. I'm fine. Just wanted to drop by and say hi. Ha! That rhymed!"

"Okay Dylan come on lay down on the couch while I get you some water."

"I can do that ma'am"

He lays down and I fetch him some water and sit in the chair next to the couch.

"Y/N?" he calls out.

"I'm here Dyl"

"I wanna tell you something"

"And what shall that be?"

"Remember when you called me after your party that I ran out of?"


"Well you cut the phone off too early when I was about to tell you what was wrong"

"Can you tell me now?"

"Why yes I can"

"Okay so"

"I was gonna tell you that I love you" his voice cracks.


"Y/N I've been in love with you since we met and I rushed out of the party when Garret proposed because I was heartbroken and couldn't stand it anymore. I love you so much I-"

"Dylan is this your drunk self talking?" I cut him off.

"Why yes I am drunk but my feelings have not changed."

"Dyl get some sleep and we can talk tomorrow" I get up and kiss his cheek, still taken back by what he said.

"I love youuuuu" he sings to me and chuckles, obviously drunk.

I sleep the rest of the night with no interruptions.

"Dylan I made some breakfast for you" I poke Dylan awake.

"Owww I have a killer headache" he whines.

"Take some Advil and eat"

"Okay mom" he sarcastically grins.

After we sit down in silence for about 15 minutes I speak up.

"So are we gonna talk about last night?"

"What about it?"

"What you said..."

"All I remember is coming here because I was drunk and couldn't drive home."

"Well uh you kinda said a lot"

"Like what"

"Um like how you love me"


"I'm sorry I should uh get going just lock the door when you leave Dyl" I say getting up.

"No" he pulls me back.

"Well okay then."

"You weren't supposed to know all that"

"I guessed. Is it true?"

"You betcha"

"Well I'm glad the feelings mutual" I smile and hug him.

I've found the thing that has been missing, and it was right in front of me the whole time.


okay okay sorry this sucks but i tried and STILL SO CLOSE TO 1K CMON GUYSSS


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