Crave You

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"They stare at me while I,
                            crave you"
                             -Flight Facilities, Crave you


You had fallen asleep in the car while holding Dylan's hand while he was driving you to an unknown destination. You wake up to the sound of one of your mutual favorite songs "Hurricane" by Halsey. You hear Dylan singing along and you giggle quietly so he doesn't hear you and stop. He sings the whole song and by the time it's over you're laughing too hard to be quiet.

"Well that's embarrassing" Dylan giggled with a red face.
"You're adorable Dyl" you gush. "May I ask where we're going..?" you question.
"We're gonna be there in about 10 minutes so you'll see then" Dylan says with a goofy smirk.
"Oh lord pray for me" you say jokingly.

The rest of the drive is silent while you never unlock yours and Dylan's hands. You both give gentle squeezes once in a while. You do that in situations where you just need a little reminder how much you love each other. It's a kinda cute tradition.

"Close your eyes" Dylan orders with a squeeze of the hand.
"Whatever you say babe" you say with a tired/sarcastic/joking tone.

You feel Dyl stop the car and open his door and the back doors.

"Can I open my eyes Dyl?" you call.
"No! Stay put and let me worry about taking bags and such" He cooed after you.

You do what he says and wait for about 20 minutes so he can take all the bags and then he opens your door-still not letting you open your eyes- and leads you.

"Open" he encourages.
"Okay!" you reply.

You open your eyes to see a beautiful cabin over looking at least 10 acres of land. All wood interiors and just that outdoorsy coziness.

"Dyl" you say breathily because you don't know what to say.
"Did I do good?" he asks like a little nervous boy.
"Nope. I don't like it here at all. I wanna go home. Now"
"Wh-uh um I'm really sorry I'll get the bags"

You stand on your tippy toes and kiss him for a long time before whispering in his ears "I got you" with a snarky giggle.
"Oh you little!" he yells after you and picks you up and tickles you. You laugh until you can't breathe and realize he's taken you inside.

"Well my lady, what first?"
"How about we explore?" you suggest as you offer your hand.
"Works for me!"

You guys walk around the cabin taking everything in for about 20 minutes.

Then there's a knock at the door.

"I'll get it babe! You stay put!" Dyl yells to you as he jogs to the door. Who would be at this cabin exactly now?

You wait about 5 minutes and then you decide to go to the door.

There's a girl.

A really pretty girl that Dylan can't seem to keep his eyes off of.

"Uh Dylan..? Mind telling me who this is?" you question.

Dylan goes to open his mouth when the girl walks in and introduces her self directly.

"I'm Britt. Dylan's Ex. Nice to meet you; Y/N" she says with a bit of disgust.

"Ex..?" you look at Dylan with a worried expression.
"Y/N. We broke up. No need to worry babe" he explains.
"Babe? Who is this chick?" Britt remarks looking you up and down.

"This 'chick' right here is quite possibly the best thing to ever happen to me. I love her to death." Dylan reassures as he puts his arm around you.

"Really Dylan? Shocking you say that as you said those exact words to me when we were dating...?" Britt remarks.

"Um Dylan what is she talking about?" you ask, obviously confused.

"Britt, I never said any of that to you. You now and then mean nothing to me." Dylan says as he lets go of you and steps forward.

"Aw Dylan you never told her? About all the fun we had? All the make out seshes? All the family dinners? How your mom even put me on your mantle in one of the family pictures? How you got me that promise ring? Actually this promise ring?" Britt pulls out a ring you just notice on her ring finger.

You hold back tears. Is this all true? Does Dylan really love you as much as he says?

"Britt sto-" his words are cut off.

By a kiss.

From Britt.

And he engages in it.

You break down and run up the cabin stairs to the bedroom where you and Dylan were to be sleeping. You grab your phone and charger and run into the bathroom and lock yourself in it.

You start completely sobbing and makeup is running down your face. You start throwing things and screaming. You can't stop. This drove you off the edge of sanity.

You hear screaming after about 10 minutes of what you're sure is them making out. You can't make out everything but a few words are audible.

"Why the hell would you do that Britt?!" You hear Dylan screaming.
"Give ya a taste of what you've been missing sweetheart" Britt sasses back.
"Do you even know how much you hurt her and how much trouble I'm in?"
"Sweetie don't act like you didn't like it. We just made out for a while now while your little girlfriend was up there having a temper tantrum. If you didn't like it you would've run after her."
"Oh my god!" Dylan screams in frustration.
"My bags are in the car. I'll go grab them." I hear Britt laugh as she walks out the door.

Dylan is throwing things. A lot of things. I kinda feel bad.

No I don't.

He just cheated on me.

If he thinks it's going to be easy winning me back he's got a lot coming for him.

I plug in my charger into the outlet and plug in my phone because I will be in here for a while.

wow okay romy cool just drop that in. okay guys so yeahhhh. gotta zayn

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