imagine for brianna

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Brianna's POV

Walking home in the rain sucks.

Especially when you live 12 miles away from the cafe you just were at.

My friends had dropped me off here and I asked them to pick me up an hour ago and no one showed up.

So now, I'm walking home.

By myself.

At 8:00 PM.

In the rain.

I take shelter under an awning of a cute little boutique so I can breathe for a minute.

"Hello?" A voice yells out, making me jump.

"Sorry I was just taking a breather!" I yell back.

"No, no, you're fine! Do you need a ride?" The voice comes out of the dark, revealing a tall, dark haired boy about my age.

"Uh yeah, sure"



"I love that name" He gushes.

I smile back at him, being the shy person I am, I don't know what to do.

"Come on. Let's get in the car and warm you up!" He smiled at me.

Wait am I 100% sure he's not a killer?
Whatever he's cute

My brain is messed up.

I pull my, surprisingly dry from my hat, hair into a messy bun while Dave opens the passenger door for me. I blush at him and he walks to the drivers side.

"So Brianna, what do you do?" he asks me.

"I love to draw and write. It's like my escape from everything." I smile with my head down.

"That's beautiful. Like you" I'm shocked so I sit in silence very awkwardly.

"I'm sorry that was the cheesiest thing I've ever said damnit Dave" I giggle as he runs his hands through his hair.

We spend the rest of the drive to my house talking about our lives and aspirations.

He asks for my phone to call his, since he can't find it in the car.

He dials the number and I hear it in the backseat and reach around to grab it.

When he gives me my phone back while we're pulling into my driveway, I see he put his number in my contacts.

"The boy in the rain❤️"


Hey Brianna ( @omega_wolfies ) I hope you like this!!! If you want a new one because this sucks, don't be afraid to ask!


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