Chapter 10. Are you serious?

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Just knock on the door Kasey, you've been here so many times before and knocked on his front door, why can't you do it now? Just raise your little fist up and knock three times, and wait for Stiles to come and answer the door. It's not weird. It's not like by the way you'll knock on the door he will know that you like him. He isn't that smart.

But, before I could even knock the door was wrenched open and I was now standing there, frozen with my clenched fist raised, aimed right at Mr. Stilinski's face. He looked at me oddly, "Uh, hello Kasey?"

"Um, hi." I replied slowly, oh this is just great. I waited entirely too long to knock and he probably heard me out here shuffling around on the porch. Way to embarrass yourself, Kasey. Way to freaking go. Pat yourself on the back for this one.

He quirked an eyebrow, "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Actually yes, I'm looking for your son, Stiles. He, uh, called me and told me that he needed me here, as soon as possible." I explained, emphasizing the last few words for good measure, I even pulled my cell phone out of my pocket to show him the call I had received ten minutes ago. Just to be sure that he knew I had an actual reason to be here.

Mr. Stilinski nodded, "Well, come on in."

I awkwardly walked into the house and then bolted up the stairs, I mean don't get me wrong I love Stiles' dad, he's awesome and kind of sarcastic too, he's definitely more of a father to me than my own, but that's not the point. I just feel awkward around any Stilinski in general right now. Maybe I'm overthinking everything and I'm just acting like a moron for no reason. Honestly, that's probably the case.

When I walked into Stiles' room, he was sitting in his computer chair looking at something on a cell phone, even from here I could tell it wasn't his. Did he take someone's phone? Is it Lydia's? Is this what he had to show me? That he took her cell phone? I cleared my throat to announce my arrival, and he jumped in his seat a bit, spazzing out like he normally does. When his eyes settled on me though he stopped spazzing and jumped from the chair, "Kasey! Finally, okay you will never believe this!" He was now walking towards me with the cell phone that clearly wasn't his clenched tightly in his hand.

"Did you steal Lydia's phone?" I asked before he could show me whatever it was he wanted to show me about the phone. 

He glanced at me in confusion, "Um... well that would depend on how you define stealing?"

"Stiles, I'm not getting into this, just show me what you want to show me." I said with a sigh as I glanced back down at the phone. He tapped the screen a few times and then a video appeared on the screen, it looked like the video store's window-- holy shit what is that? Something just jumped out of the window, I tapped the screen to pause the video and when the image stilled, my eyes widened. Staring back at me was the alpha, black fur, bright red eyes and all. 

"Holy hell... how did she get that?" I asked in total shock, Lydia had managed to get actual video proof of the alpha. Something that no other person in Beacon Hills has been able to do. Why was she even filming in the first place?

Stiles nodded, "I know... she got a text earlier and I picked the phone up to give it to her, and well this video was pulled up and I didn't know how to turn it off right away so I just tapped the screen and then this happened."

"Have you told Scott?" I inquired as I played the video back once again, watching the alpha jump from the window and then the video ended. I can't believe that actually happened, she actually got the alpha on film.

He sighed and plopped back down in his chair, "No. He isn't answering his phone-- wait, speaking of phones how did you answer your's if it's broken?"

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