Chapter Two

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Both me and my dad loved the chicken last night and said to get some more soon. I thought it would be a good excuse to see Taehyung again. I just smiled thinking about him.

"Rina you've got to go if you want to make it on time!" My dad yelled from down stairs. My room was starting to look good as I straighten and cleaned things last night. The only problem, I stayed up to late and slept  in to late. I ran down stairs and kissed my dad good bye as I ran to my new school. Great Rina. Be late for your first day. I thought.

As I was running I saw up above me the sky. It still looked like it was going to rain. Dark clouds, that feeling in the air. I found the school lucky on time. The school was huge. But its biggest attraction was the long huge windows. I could see students walking down the hallway and I wasn't even on the property yet. I started running up to the building and asked a girl where the office was. As I found it a older man walked out.

"Are you Seok Rina?" He asked fixing his glasses. He smelled just like fresh mint mixed with coffee. Not a bad smell.

"Yes, sir." I said. I pulled my bag up on my shoulders as he started walking back into his office. I followed him as he grabbed a piece of paper and handed it to me. On the paper was my class schedule and other places I have to go.

"You're class hasn't started yet, so you may want to hurry. It's room. A-201." He quickly walked back out the office leaving me behind. Weird man. I thought. I started rushing to my class. I found it just in time for the bell to ring. When I walked through no one saw me at first. Then a girl started whispering and before I could blink everyone was starring at me. I walked over to my new teacher and told her who I was.

"Everyone we have a new student. Please welcome Rina Seok." She said. Her voice was so soft that I barely heard her. No one said a word, though I didn't think they would.

"You can take that empty seat next to Yona." She pointed to a chair in the back. I started walking to the chair when I saw Taehyung. Taehyung! I thought about calling out to him but the teacher started and I didn't want to interrupt her. I sat down beside a curly haired girl. Even though we were wearing the same uniform she wore a pink shirt underneath. Her headband, earrings, bracelet, and necklace were all pink.

"Hi." I said pulling out my chair.

"Yona. Nice to meet you Rina." She said handing out her hand. Well so far so nice. I thought. The teacher Ms. Lee was teaching us about the human body. How many organs we have and where they were. I didn't pay that much attention as Yona beside me was putting on lipgloss. She did her entire make up in the class. Two boys beside me keep whispering things back to each other. Then one looked at me.

"Are you single?" One mouth to me me. I shook my head. They both looked down disappointed. I don't mean to lie but I'm not looking for a relationship at the moment. After class ended everyone started walking around. I looked over at Taehyung who was laying his head down. Yona was busy talking to two other girls so I thought it would be a great time to say hi to Taehyung. I walked over to him and sat down in a empty chair. I knocked once on his desk. He slowly raised his head up and then looked shocked to see me. Was he not paying attention when I walked in?

"Rina." He said in almost a whisper. I gave him a warm smile.

"I'm glad you remembered my name." I said. He looked extremely confused and scared.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He pointed behind me. I turned around to see everyone starring at us. Mostly me. It's like everyone dropped what they were doing to watch me talk to Taehyung. I looked back at Taehyung who was packing up his things and leaving.

"Taehyung." I said, but he just ignored me and keep walking. He was almost out the door when a boy tripped him making him fall flat on his face. I started getting up to say something when a pair of arms held me down. I looked up to see a concerned looking Yona.

"Finally. He's gone." Another girl said. I looked back at the door to see Taehyung gone. Yona pulled me out the chair back to our table. The same two girls she was talking to a little while ago sat beside our table.

"I can't believe you just talked to Taehyung." One of the girls gasped.

"Shut up Lisa. Rina do you understand you were just sitting and talking to Taehyung. I understand you are new here. But you haven't heard about Taehyung yet?" Yona asked. I shook my head. They all started gasping.

"Okay. So let's start at the beginning. Two years ago we got a transfer student named Minyoona. In a blink of a eye she became the most popular girl. I mean I understood why. She was beautiful, smart, and very sweet. Minyoona and Taehyung were the power couple. In this school they were known as Prince and Princess. But one day-" she started chocking on her words. It took her a minute to finish.

"But one day Minyoona was found dead. She was raped. Stabbed more than twenty times, and was strung off the school building." Her tears started running down her face as she spotted those last words. How can someone do that. I started feeling sick at my stomach.

"They found some of Taehyung's blood at the scene. But it wasn't enough to put the sick shit behind bars. Well that and his dad's money. Taehyung did those things to Minyoona. Don't ever go near him." She said.

How can this be? Why? How could he do this to a human being? How is he not behind bars? Why did I speak to him? My head was flashing a million questions as my stomach was turning.

"Yona." I said.

"Yes." She answered.

It was to late. By the time she answered I had already threw up on the desk and the floor. In my mind it's almost like I could see what had happened to Minyoona and my stomach couldn't take it.

I said it would be dark. This story want be long liked my other stories but I'll try and make the next chapter lot longer.
But this story will be a little hard to write since I'm not comfortable writing some scenes. But I'll try my best. Till next time. ❤️


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