Chapter Eight

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After taking a shower the next morning I remembered it was Saturday and that meant I had a whole free day. My dad pulled Taehyung's bike to side until he got out. I keep his keys in my purse at all times. Maybe it was like a part of him that was next to me.

"Dad I'm going out. I'll be back later on this afternoon." I yelled walking out my apartment. I walked passed Moonsik's room only to stop for a moment.

"I'm sorry I got you into this. Please forgive me." I mumbled walking off. I started walking down the street to feel the presence of someone following me. But every time I turned around no one was there. I walked into the library grabbing books. Mostly about this city and its history.

I started grabbing a historical book when all of a sudden another book fell on my head. I started rubbing the sore spot as I picked up the book. The book titled read She Was Left in Blood. I decided to grab the book taking it with me. I started reading through the history finding out the person who founded this city was the Byeon family. I kept reading on until my heart stopped as I read a line.

In 1902 the son of Jun Myeon Byeon was accused of killing a town girl. Her body was strung in the woods with the word "mine" written on her.

I stopped reading looking up. It's like time was repeating itself. I tried stop reading as I picked up the next book. I felt a cool breeze and heard a book fall off my table. Once again it was the same book. I decided to go ahead and just look inside the book. But as soon as I opened the book pages went flying. I stood up knocking my chair to the ground.

"What the hell!" I cursed. The pages finally stopped on a page. I decided to grab my chair sitting back down. I looked down reading the page. Nothing was making any sense. Mostly because I didn't know what was going on in the book.

She could see the world
But it couldn't see her
Even though the view was long
She didn't think she had much time
For the grim reaper had chose her

I keep reading on and on. But none of it was making any sense.

She knew he was a devil disguise as a angel
She knew behind that sweet smile
Was nothing but evil and cold
She fell for his trap
And there he showed her
Her own hell

I closed the book as I was getting a headache. So much death in these books were starting to hurt my head. I ended up putting the books back walking out the library.

"Well none of that helped. The only thing I found out was that history was repeating itself. But who! I yelled in my head. I walked into a cafe ordering a small ice tea. I started grabbing my money to pay for it when I heard the lady behind the counter say thank you. I turned around to see Yona and Joonsuh standing behind me.

"I've got money." I said grabbing my drink.

"I know, but it was extra change from our meal. We were just leaving as we seen you." Yona said. We walked out the shop going down the street.

"Where are you going today?" Joonsuh asked me.

"I'm going to see Taehyung and Moonsik today. See if they are okay. It's my fault they are in there." I said looking down. Joonsuh grabbed my arm turning me to face him.

"If it's anyone's fault it's mine. I should have waited until my dad went to bed to grab the document. I should've called you sooner to get Taehyung and Moonsik out of there." Joonsuh yelled. Yona grabbed Joonsuh pulling him over to her. She punched his arm and then mine.

"What the hell was that for?" I asked rubbing the sore spot. Well that is going to leave a bruise. I thought

"Really." Joonsuh started rubbing his arm as well.

"Because it's neither of your faults. Can't you see what he has done? The person to blame is the person who did this to her. To Minyoona! It's him!" Yona was starting heating up until Joonsuh held her. She started taking deep breaths in and out until she was back to normal.

Though she is right. It's not my fault. It's not Joonsuh's either. It's who ever murdered Minyoona.


I'm already working on the next part and should publish it by tonight. I have to go shopping with my mom later so probably after that I'll sit down and finish it.

But, thank you for reading 😊😊😊


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